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What is the kharchi, parchi that PM Modi is talking about in Haryana? | News from the political pulse

What is the kharchi, parchi that PM Modi is talking about in Haryana? | News from the political pulse
What is the kharchi, parchi that PM Modi is talking about in Haryana? | News from the political pulse


In his election campaign speeches in Haryana, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has repeatedly explained that the Congress government, which ruled the state for 10 years, from 2004 to 2014, saw a system of parchi and kharchi in which even jobs could not be obtained without corruption or favoritism.

A corrupt Congress has looted Haryana and you must keep it at bay, Modi said at a rally in Sonipat on Wednesday. At an earlier rally in Kurukshetra, his first for the Haryana elections, the Prime Minister said: The BJP government has abolished this system of kharchi, parchi and given 1.5 lakh government jobs with full transparency .

In its Haryana poll manifesto too, the BJP talks about it, promising to provide two million permanent government jobs to the youth, bina parchi, bina kharchi (no favoritism, no bribes).

What is the term and how did it become commonplace?

In the tight race in Haryana, which is expected to be bipolar between the BJP and the Congress, a common promise among all parties and candidates is that of pakki naukri (permanent government jobs) if they come to power. If the BJP promised 2 lakh government jobs with due process, the Congress promised to fill 2 lakh vacant government jobs. The Indian National Lok Dal (INLD), in alliance with the BSP, released a jobs calendar promising one lakh government jobs in the first year and an unemployment benefit of Rs 21,000 per month.

According to the BJP, under the Congress, the employment system was based on parchi recruitment based on the recommendations of those in power, i.e. favoritism. Or, paying bribes by the Kharchis for jobs is corruption.

Festive offer

The BJP claims that this system implemented by the Congress was organized in such a way that different bribe rates were fixed for different posts.

Privately, BJP leaders admit that while the party has clung to the catchy term, the practice is no different from what happened in previous regimes.

Did things change after the BJP came to power in 2014?

Haryana BJP chief spokesperson Jawahar Yadav says the party government has ended parchi and kharchi and carried out recruitment for 1.43 lakh posts through a transparent, merit-based system . Not only that, he says, but the BJP government has also created more jobs than the two terms of the Congress.

In November 2022, listing the achievements of his government, the then Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar claimed to have ended the parchi, kharchi system.

Earlier this week, Yadav shared a video on just share slips with your roll number written). The person then goes on to name Bhupinder Singh Hooda and says that he will go to the Congress leader with the job application and naukriyan aap tak main leke aaoonga (I will find a job for you myself).

What was the reaction of Congress?

Haryana Congress spokesperson Kewal Dhingra accuses the BJP of making allegations without any proof. There was no practice of kharchi and parchi here. BJP is lying and sharing fake videos. The Congress government had carried out recruitments with complete transparency. It was the BJP government that started a culture of attachment (briefcase) of taking money to create jobs.”

Dhingra also claims proof that a deputy secretary of the Haryana Public Service Commission was arrested in 2021 for accepting bribes to manipulate candidates' marks for their recruitment as surgeons- dentists.”

On the BJP government's record on employment, Dhingra says it only provides temporary jobs and employs people on daily wage basis.

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