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Erdoan condemns Netanyahu's UN speech, criticizes international silence

Erdoan condemns Netanyahu's UN speech, criticizes international silence
Erdoan condemns Netanyahu's UN speech, criticizes international silence



Erdoan condemns Netanyahu's UN speech, criticizes international silence

President Recep Tayyip Erdoan has condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's presence at the UN General Assembly, calling it a “disgrace.”

Speaking at the Turkish House in New York, Erdoan said: “It is truly a source of shame that a criminal who committed genocide in Palestine can take his place under the roof of the UN. »

“It is a betrayal of the memory of the babies, children, mothers, fathers, UN officials, journalists and many others who were brutally murdered.

Netanyahu, who left for New York early Thursday morning, is expected to address the 79th session of the UN General Assembly on Friday, according to local media.

Either the UN General Assembly will treat the murderer as he deserves, or this shameful situation will remain in the history of the UN as a black mark, Erdoan said.

He criticized the UN for its failure to prevent wars or hold Israel accountable for its actions, saying it has lost its effectiveness and become a structure that supports a system where “might is right.”

Since Monday, Israel has bombed Lebanon, killing at least 677 people and injuring more than 2,500, according to the Health Ministry. The conflict with the Lebanese group Hezbollah has intensified following Israel's ongoing war against Gaza, sparked after a cross-border Hamas attack last October.

Bilateral talks at the UN

In his speech to the UN, Erdoan reiterated his concerns about the inability of the existing international system to maintain global peace and security. He stressed that the current international system and institutions have failed to fulfill their primary functions, emphasizing the need for a fairer world that recognizes the voice of the oppressed.

Erdoan led bilateral meetings with several world leaders, including the German chancellor, the Ukrainian president, the Greek prime minister and the UN secretary general, focusing on cooperation and resolving regional crises, particularly in Gaza .

He urged countries to increase aid to Palestine before winter and put more pressure on Israel.

Israel is indeed using all means to spread the fire in Gaza throughout the region, he said, referring to recent attacks on Lebanon as evidence of escalating tensions.

As the world remains silent and Western countries continue to provide military support to the Israeli administration, these massacres will unfortunately continue.

Expressing concerns about the situation in Lebanon, Erdoan highlighted the trauma caused by Israeli attacks and monitored the evacuation process in southern Lebanon.

Our region is facing such a cruel and terrible situation. We are talking about Lebanon, which has six million inhabitants. Where are these people going to run to? » he questioned.

Erdoant told Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati on September 25 that the international community must urgently implement a solution to end Israeli aggression.

Stopping Israeli attacks is “a humanitarian duty,” he said.

We support Lebanon against the attacks, Erdoan told Mikati, adding that the international community must show solidarity to prevent further destabilization.

Lebanon's interior minister said around 13,500 Syrians have fled Lebanon for Syria since Israeli airstrikes began on Monday. Several countries have urged their citizens to leave Lebanon and advised against traveling there until further notice.

The United States, the European Union and nine other countries have called for a 21-day ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah amid an escalating war. However, Netanyahu denied agreeing to a ceasefire, ordering his army to continue hitting Lebanon with all its might.





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