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Erdoan reiterates commitment to punish new military school graduates who chant secular slogan

Erdoan reiterates commitment to punish new military school graduates who chant secular slogan
Erdoan reiterates commitment to punish new military school graduates who chant secular slogan


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoan has reaffirmed his commitment to punish recent graduates of the Turkish Military Academy who chanted a secular slogan during their graduation ceremony on August 30, the BBC Turkish service reported on Friday.

In comments delivered upon his return from the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Erdoan criticized the graduates for chanting We are the soldiers of Mustafa Kemal, a reference to Mustafa Kemal Atatrk, the founder of modern Turkey and symbol of secularism.

During the graduation ceremony, some cadets brandished swords while chanting the slogan.

Erdoa called the act disruptive and vowed to ensure those involved face consequences, saying: “This incident is the result of confusion created by a few individuals. We will ensure that those responsible receive the punishment they deserve. He stressed that the Turkish army is not the ideal place for what he described as politically motivated acts, adding: “It is not a place where those who act without discipline can operate.”

Erdoan previously vowed to expel graduates involved in the incident.

The Defense Ministry has opened an investigation into the incident, pledging to take disciplinary action against any personnel found to have violated military regulations. Defense Minister Ylmaz Tun confirmed that the ministry would examine the context of the event.

Opposition politicians, particularly those from the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), criticized Erdoan's response.

CHP leader Zgr Zel defended the cadets, arguing that the display of the sword and the chant were part of a long military tradition. It is difficult to understand why this year it suddenly became a problem, zel said, accusing Erdoan of using the incident to distract from other political challenges.

Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Mamolu also condemned Erdoan's remarks, saying that Mustafa Kemal Atatrk is a common symbol of national unity. It is shocking to see such intolerance towards a slogan that unites millions of people, Mamolu said.

The incident reignited long-standing cultural and political divisions in Turkey, particularly between Erdoan's supporters, who favor a conservative, religious vision of the country, and secularists, who remain firmly aligned with Atatürk's principles.

The August 30 ceremony commemorated Turkish Victory Day, which marks the defeat of Greek forces in 1922 in the Turkish War of Independence. Videos of the cadets chanting the slogan circulated widely on social media, with critics and supporters engaging in heated debates.

Erdoan, in power since 2003, survived a failed coup in 2016 and has since significantly reduced the military's influence in Turkish politics. Pro-government figures say the secular chant could signal a return to coup-era military sentiments that destabilized Turkey in the past.

However, opposition figures insist the chant is a patriotic act and should not be seen as a political statement. Yank Bacolu, vice president of the CHP, questioned the priorities of Erdoan's government, saying: “As we face provocations in the Aegean and Mediterranean, focusing on internal military ceremonies only serves to distract attention from foreign policy failures.

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