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A setback for Xi Jinping's military ambitions? China's newest nuclear-powered submarine may have sunk earlier this year, US official says

A setback for Xi Jinping's military ambitions? China's newest nuclear-powered submarine may have sunk earlier this year, US official says
A setback for Xi Jinping's military ambitions? China's newest nuclear-powered submarine may have sunk earlier this year, US official says


A senior U.S. defense official revealed Thursday that China's last nuclear-powered attack submarine sank earlier this year. The incident is believed to have occurred between May and June.

What happened: The submarine, described as the first of its class, is believed to have sunk while docked at a dock. The cause of the sinking remains unclear and it is unclear whether the ship had nuclear fuel on board at the time, the official said, Reuters reported Friday.

A spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in Washington told Reuters he had no information to provide on the matter.

The US official highlighted concerns about internal accountability and oversight of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), noting that the incident raises questions about training standards and equipment quality within the military industry. Chinese defense.

James Char, a defense expert at Singapore's S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, said the accident casts doubt on the survivability and safety standards of the PLA Navy's advanced platforms.

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Satellite images from Planet Labs in June showed cranes at the Wuchang shipyard, where the submarine was docked. The incident comes as China strives to expand its military capabilities, including the recent launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile into the Pacific Ocean.

Why it's important: This incident is significant because it comes at a time when China is aggressively expanding its military capabilities. In 2023, China launched its first fleet of nuclear-powered missile submarines, marking a significant milestone in its naval power. The development follows Taiwan's efforts to strengthen its naval defenses against potential threats from Xi Jinping.

Recently, China has strengthened export controls on technologies with both military and civilian applications to strengthen national security. This regulation, approved by the Council of State, aims to safeguard national security in a context of global tensions.

China has urged the United States to reconsider its nuclear posture following comments by a senior US official on a potential increase in nuclear warheads.

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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Pooja Rajkumari

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