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Congress known for its infighting: PM Modi

Congress known for its infighting: PM Modi
Congress known for its infighting: PM Modi


The Congress spends most of its time fighting, lying to grab power and staying away from public issues, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Thursday, while asserting that the people have decided to give the BJP another chance to serve Haryana. Interacting with Haryana BJP workers through the NaMo app as part of the party's Mera Booth, Sabse Mazboot programme, he discussed the ground work at the booth level for the October 5 assembly elections and told them to do everything possible to win each stall.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi. (PTI file)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi. (PTI file)

There is a week left for polling (in Haryana) and (you should) focus on every family present in a polling booth, he told party members. Notably, there are 20,629 polling stations in Haryana.

Modi began his nearly hour-long interaction by mentioning his special bond with the people of Haryana, where he worked extensively for the party organization in the 1990s, and expressed his gratitude to them. Alleging that the Congress has failed as an opposition in the last 10 years, the Prime Minister claimed that its maximum time was spent on infighting. Every child of Haryana is aware of the internal strife in the grand old party, he said.

Our strategy should not be to settle for their internal conflicts. They will die, but we have to plant our flag deep by working harder than before, Modi said.

Further attacking the Congress, he said, “The entire base of those who are fighting against us in the polls is lies. They lie repeatedly, their speeches have neither head nor tail and they spoil the atmosphere. Modi claimed that the Congress had made big promises to the people of Himachal Pradesh, like they would lay a golden roof for every house.

But after coming to power in the state, development came to a halt, the Prime Minister claimed, adding that they were talking about the old pension scheme but now they were unable to pay salaries or proceed to recruitment.

Congress had promised to give 1,500 to women who are waiting for it even after two years, he said. Himachal Pradesh is an example of how they lied to win the elections and the people of Haryana need to be made aware of this, the Prime Minister said during the interaction.

Recalling the BJP government's initiatives for farmers, the Prime Minister said that during the Congress rule in Haryana, farmers got 2 compensation checks for crop damage.

It was the BJP government in Haryana that gave minimum support price for 24 crops, he said, adding that farmers should seek clarification from the Congress on their lies on the issue and tell them how much of crops were purchased from the MSP.




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