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Ukraine's Zelensky 'grateful' for 'productive meeting' with Trump

Ukraine's Zelensky 'grateful' for 'productive meeting' with Trump
Ukraine's Zelensky 'grateful' for 'productive meeting' with Trump


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Republican presidential candidate, former US President Donald Trump, shake hands during a meeting, in New York, September 27, 2024. ALEX KENT / AFP

Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky held high-stakes talks on Friday (September 27), following a series of White House attacks on the Ukrainian president, as the looming US election raises questions about long-term support from the United States to its ally Ukraine in his country. war with Russia.

Foreign policy hawks have expressed fears that a second Trump administration would be a disaster for Ukraine's defense, with the Republican repeatedly defending Russian President Vladimir Putin while expressing skepticism about U.S. funding for kyiv.

Zelensky met with Trump's election rival Kamala Harris as well as President Joe Biden on Thursday, and both pledged their support for kyiv in its U.S.-funded defense against Putin's invasion.

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Trump, who this week accused Zelensky of refusing to “make a deal” to end the conflict, promised to bring peace if he wins a second term, as the two men spoke to reporters after the head one-on-one at Trump Tower in New York. York. “It’s a shame, but it’s a war that should never have happened and we will resolve it,” the Republican candidate for the White House said at Trump Tower. “It's a complicated puzzle. Too many deaths. Too many beautiful cities.”

“Putin cannot win”

Before the meeting, which lasted less than an hour, Trump praised his alliance with Zelensky but added: “I also have a very good relationship, as you know, with President Putin.”

“I think we agree that the war in Ukraine must stop, that Putin cannot win and that Ukraine must win,” Zelensky added.

Later, in an article on X, Zelensky called his meeting with Trump “very productive.” “I presented our Victory Plan to him and we discussed in depth the situation in Ukraine and the consequences of the war for our people,” Zelensky wrote. “Many details were discussed. I am grateful for this meeting. A just peace is necessary.”

The meeting initially appeared to be abandoned after Zelensky told the New Yorker magazine in an interview that Trump “doesn't really know how to stop the war” and that his running mate JD Vance is “too radical.” The interview was released amid Republican outcry over the Ukrainian leader's trip to Pennsylvania with Democratic politicians to thank American workers for making munitions that help Ukraine's war effort against Russia .

Trump, who refused to say whether he wanted Ukraine to beat Russia during his debate with Harris earlier this month, fired back at Zelensky at a campaign rally in North Carolina on Wednesday, berating him as “a man who refuses to make a deal.” “for peace.

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Zelensky was in New York this week for the UN General Assembly and sought to shore up support for his country's war effort as it struggles on the battlefield in the third year of the invasion of Moscow. The Ukrainian leader presented a so-called “victory” plan to Biden and Harris at the White House on Thursday, with Biden announcing a new military aid package worth nearly $8 billion for kyiv.

Siding with Zelensky, Harris did not mention Trump by name, but said there were “some in my country who would rather force Ukraine to give up large parts of its sovereign territory.”

The row with Trump underscored how November's U.S. election could upend the support Ukraine receives from its biggest donor. Trump echoed many of Putin's talking points, saying at a rally earlier this week that Ukraine could not beat Russia, pointing to its defeat of Napoleon in 1812 but ignoring more recent military defeats. House Republicans have launched an investigation into Zelensky's trip to Pennsylvania, suggesting it was election interference and calling for the firing of Ukraine's ambassador to Washington.

When Trump was president, he asked Zelensky for potentially damaging political documents on Biden before the 2020 election, while withholding vital military aid that had already been approved by Congress, leading to the first of his two impeachments . However, the Republican had maintained good relations with Zelensky, happy that the Ukrainian defended him for his conduct. Trump spent much of the impromptu news conference reminding reporters of Zelensky's support.

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Le Monde with AFP

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