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PM Modi to address mega party rally in Jammu – Rising Kashmir today

PM Modi to address mega party rally in Jammu – Rising Kashmir today
PM Modi to address mega party rally in Jammu – Rising Kashmir today


Tight security in Jammu city
Rajnath Singh to visit Gurez on September 29
Traffic Department issues special notice

Srinagar, September 27: Security has been beefed up in and around Jammu city as a precautionary measure ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modis' visit tomorrow. The Prime Minister is expected to address a major party rally at the MA Stadium, which is expected to be attended by thousands of BJP supporters.
A police officer at Jammu Police Headquarters said security reinforcements had been put in place across the city and adjoining areas in preparation for the Prime Minister's visit. A high-level meeting regarding PM Modis' security arrangements was held in Jammu, in the presence of heads of various agencies. Certain SOPs have been formulated for the arrangements and they will be implemented accordingly, the officer confirmed.
Additional police and paramilitary forces have been deployed at vital locations, including Airport Road to Jewel Chowk. Authorities have implemented CCTV surveillance, checkpoints and search points to effectively address security concerns. Special Operations Group (SOG) personnel will monitor the city for any suspicious activities, while J&K Police commandos, alongside CRPF personnel, are stationed around the MA Stadium to prevent any untoward incident.
Senior BJP leader Kavinder Gupta told media that thousands of BJP workers are expected to attend Prime Minister Modi's rally in Jammu. We have completed all preparations and arrangements for the mega event, he said.
There is enthusiasm among the people of Kashmir, where the BJP was once unpopular. Now everyone, including the poor, women and elderly people, trusts Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he added.
The BJP leader further said that Prime Minister Modi would arrive at 11 pm on Saturday and would be welcomed by party leaders at the Jammu airport.
Meanwhile, Sajid Yousuf Shah, Joint Head of State Media, J&K Incharge Media Department, Kashmir, said that Defense Minister Rajnath Singh Ji will visit Gurez and Karnah on September 29, 2024 to address to party members.
“Details regarding the schedule and location will be shared here soon,” he said.
To streamline traffic on Saturday, at MA Stadium where a large gathering is expected to participate in the rally and to ensure smooth traffic flow inside Jammu city.
According to the traffic police, partial restrictions/diversions will be carried out on the grounds.
“The general public is advised to use 4th Tawi Bridge/Gujjar Nagar Bridge/Sidhra Bridge to travel from Northern Jurisdiction to Southern Jurisdiction and vice-versa in order to reach their destination and avoid inconvenience,” he indicates.
The traffic spokesperson further said that in addition to this tube of Tawi Main Bridge, it would also remain open to the general public and emergency vehicles.
“The general public who intends to participate in the public gathering should park their personal vehicles in the designated parking spaces and avoid improper parking of their vehicles causing traffic jams,” he said.
The third and final phase of polling is expected to take place on October 1, with eleven Assembly constituencies in Jammu district going to polls. The district includes constituencies such as Bishnah (SC), Suchetgarh (SC), RS Pura-Jammu South, Bahu, Jammu East, Nagrota, Jammu West, Jammu North, Marh (SC), Akhnoor (SC) and Chhamb.
The results of the three phases will be announced on October 8.




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