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This is Jokowi's fear at the end of his mandate, which has already happened in RI

This is Jokowi's fear at the end of his mandate, which has already happened in RI
This is Jokowi's fear at the end of his mandate, which has already happened in RI


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – During his term as president, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expressed one of his fears. He warned of the gig economy which, if not managed well, could become a problematic trend in the future.

“Gig economy, be careful. It is a casual economy, a part-time economy. If it is not managed well, it will become a trend,” Jokowi said on Thursday (19/9/2024).

The gig economy is an economic system that prioritizes temporary work and short-term contracts. Jokowi's concern is when companies become comfortable with casual workers and short-term contracts.

According to him, the company did this to reduce economic uncertainty. This therefore leads them to no longer pay attention to the long-term well-being of workers.

“The fear is that companies will only choose independent workers, independent workers, short-term contracts, to reduce the risk of global uncertainty,” Jokowi said.

One application of the gig economy is the work of online motorcycle taxi drivers. The company providing the service refers to them as partners, not employees.

This status aims to describe the relationship between the driver and the service company. Partners are defined as entrepreneurs who work with flexible working hours and income.

Those who work in partnership will not get rights like normal workers. There is no limit on working hours for benefits such as vacation pay.

This partner status was popularized by ride-hailing giant Uber and eventually became the standard for many similar companies today. However, a number of countries are beginning to ban this practice and encourage companies to appoint associates as employees and guarantee them their rights.

Here are 5 countries that grant online drivers the same rights as employees:

1. England

The Supreme Court rejected Uber's appeal in 2021. At the time, the decision treated partners as employees, including entitlement to dependent leave and minimum wage.

The Supreme Court found that Uber's contract failed to meet employees' basic obligations. Apart from this, it is also considered invalid by law and cannot be enforced.

2. Switzerland

In Switzerland, Uber is also facing the same decision. The company would not be an intermediary but could determine prices, monitor the activity of drivers and issue invoices to customers.

Drivers are required to obtain the rights of regular employees. This includes obtaining appropriate benefits.

3. Netherlands

The country's Uber drivers have also been found to have employee rights and binding agreements like taxi drivers' unions. A local court ruled that calling Uber drivers entrepreneurs was only on paper.

4. Malaysia

Meanwhile, Air Asia is taking different measures. The initiative came from the company to equalize the rights of drivers and employees. One of them is to receive a monthly salary of RM3,000, benefit from an Employee Provident Fund (EPF) savings account, or old age and Social Security Organization (Sosco) insurance. or work accident insurance. They will also benefit from health insurance, annual leave and travel allowances.

5. Spain

At the same time, the two service providers Deliveroo and Uber Eats must also equalize the status of partners as employees, by providing salaries. Previously, a number of complaints about the living conditions of food delivery workers had emerged.


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