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Donald Trump promises speedy end to Ukraine war after meeting with Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Donald Trump promises speedy end to Ukraine war after meeting with Volodymyr Zelenskyy


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Donald Trump said the war in Ukraine would be resolved very quickly if he won the US election during his meeting with Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Friday, and touted his very good relations with the Ukrainian leader and Vladimir Putin, the Russian president.

Trump's meeting with Zelensky has been called into question all week, with the former US president criticizing the Ukrainian president for refusing to make a deal with Putin and members of the Republican Party accusing him of siding with Kamala Harris in the race for the White House. .

While the meeting was a sign of their search for a common understanding on how relations between Washington and kyiv might change under a second Trump presidency, the former president renewed his push for peace talks with Russia .

Many Ukrainian and Western officials rejected the proposal as premature, saying the negotiations would strengthen Russia's control over large parts of the country's territory.

We have a very good relationship, Trump told Zelensky as they spoke together to reporters before their meeting. I also have a very good relationship, as you know, with President Putin…if we win, I think the problem will be resolved very quickly.

In a sign of the concern around the gathering, Zelenskyy quickly interjected to say he hoped Trump would have better relations with him than with Putin. Trump responded: You know, it takes two to tango.

In a brief interview with Fox News after the meeting, Trump reiterated that he would negotiate a fair and speedy deal to end the war. It has to be fair, he said. He also called the conflict a very complex puzzle.

Zelensky told the interviewer that war should not [have been] began, adding that the United States can be the leader in any negotiation. He invited Trump to visit his country, saying that people should come and see him.

Donald Trump, seated far right, said of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, second from left: He could have been cute and played cute, and he didn't. Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

On Thursday, Zelensky was at the White House to meet with US President Joe Biden as well as Harris, who attacked her Republican rivals' position on the Ukraine war without naming Trump.

There are those in my country who would… force Ukraine to abandon large parts of its sovereign territory, who would demand that Ukraine accept neutrality, and who would demand that Ukraine renounce its security relations with other nations, she said. These are dangerous and unacceptable proposals for capitulation.

Zelensky used his visit to Washington to promote his victory plan aimed at strengthening Ukraine's military and diplomatic position ahead of possible negotiations with Russia.

kyiv has pleaded for additional military aid and a green light to strike targets in Russia using Western weapons so it can make more military gains that would allow it to reach a better deal with Putin.

Zelensky secured an additional $2.4 billion in U.S. military aid, including an initial promise of standoff munitions, or glide bombs, that could be used for long-range strikes. However, the White House has still not announced that it will lift Ukraine's restrictions on strikes on Russian territory with Western weapons.

Given Trump's criticism of Zelensky earlier this week and his party's criticism of the Ukrainian leader after his visit with Democratic politicians to an arms factory in the swing state of Pennsylvania, securing the meeting with Trump was an important way for kyiv to salvage the trip.

It was the first meeting since 2019. Their relationship is complicated because Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives for his efforts at the time to pressure Ukraine into digging up damaging information about Hunter Biden , the president's son, linked to his business relations with Ukraine. Ukraine.

Trump already feared that Joe Biden could win the 2020 election. Trump on Friday walked back what he described as an impeachment hoax and said he had no ill will toward Zelenskyy over it.

He could have stood out and played cute, but he didn't, Trump said. He said President Trump did absolutely nothing wrong. He said it loud and clear.




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