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Have Boris Johnson and British MPs shown unanimous support for Imran Khan as Chancellor of Oxford?

Have Boris Johnson and British MPs shown unanimous support for Imran Khan as Chancellor of Oxford?
Have Boris Johnson and British MPs shown unanimous support for Imran Khan as Chancellor of Oxford?


Claim 1: British parliamentarians unanimously backed Imran Khan for the role of chancellor of Oxford University.

Claim 2: Three members of the British House of Commons have backed Imran Khan for the chancellorship of Oxford.

Claim 3: Boris Johnson withdrew his candidacy for the same position and instead expressed his support for Imran Khan.

Fact 1: Conservative peer Lord Daniel Hannan and independent MPs Shockat Adam and Adnan Hussain have each backed Imran Khan for Chancellor of Oxford University.

Several misleading social media posts claimed that the former Pakistani prime minister had the full support of British parliamentarians, including this post (archive) on X. While only three members of the British Parliament publicly backed Khan for chancellor from Oxford University, the message implies that a significant number of them expressed support for the imprisoned former Pakistani prime minister.

Fact 2: Two, not three, members of the House of Commons approved Khan's appointment as university chancellor. Adam and Hussain are members of the House of Commons, while Lord Daniel Hannan is a member of the House of Lords.

A Facebook post claimed that three members of the British House of Commons had announced their support for Imran Khan's bid for the chancellorship.

Fact 3: Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has not withdrawn his candidacy for the Oxford chancellorship.

User X @Bakhtt_PTI shared an old (archive) photo of Boris Johnson and Khan with the caption:

[Translated from Urdu: Breaking news

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

He withdrew his papers for the chancellorship and declared his support for Imran Khan.]

Daily Jang columnist Mazhar Barlas mentioned in his column (archive) the claim that Boris Johnson resigned in favor of Imran Khan:

[Translated from Urdu: Even the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, Boris Johnson, has stepped down in favor of Imran Khan and joined the captain’s election campaign.]

Since then, this statement has been widely shared on social networks, notably here and here on Facebook.

Imran Khan's candidacy

Former Pakistani cricketer turned politician Imran Khan attended Keble College, Oxford, where he studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE). In 2018, Khan's PTI won the general elections and he served as the 22nd Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Khan's candidacy for the chancellorship of Oxford University was officially confirmed when his close aide, Zulfi Bukhari, announced that Khan's candidacy had been submitted for the 2024 elections. The former president's decision PTI to run for this post despite his imprisonment attracted worldwide attention/was widely reported in the media/sparked conversations globally.

The election is scheduled for the third week of St. Michael's term, starting October 26, 2024.

According to the role description available on the University of Oxford website, the Chancellor of the University of Oxford is the ceremonial head of the institution, providing supportive advice and guidance, particularly to the Vice -chancellor. Although the role lacks executive responsibilities, it involves chairing key events and serving as a visitor to several colleges.

The chancellor chairs the vice-chancellor nominating committee and must be accessible year-round. This unpaid position requires a candidate with exceptional accomplishments, a deep appreciation of the University's mission, and the ability to enhance its reputation globally.

Fact or fiction?

To investigate the first claim, Soch Fact Check conducted a keyword search and found a video from Turkish media outlet TRT World which confirmed support from Conservative peer lord Daniel Hannan and independent MPs Shockat Adam and Adnan Hussain.

On September 3, PTI's official him, are politically motivated. Despite his imprisonment, his popularity remains high and his party, the PTI, was the largest in the last general elections. Khan was previously chancellor of the University of Bradford. His bid for the chancellorship of Oxford received the support of British MPs including Lord Daniel Hannan, Shockat Adam and Adnan Hussain. Their position is a 10-year ceremonial role consisting of presiding over ceremonies and acting as an ambassador for the university.

Additionally, we came across a detailed Middle East Eye (MEE) article on the three British MPs backing Imran Khan for the role of Chancellor of Oxford University. The report describes Daniel Hannan's background as a conservative peer, writer, former member of the European Parliament and founding chair of the Free Trade Initiative. He also mentions that Hannan, an Oxford alumnus, has the right to vote in elections.

In an interview with MEE, Hannan expressed his support for Khan and praised him as an important figure in philanthropy, sports and politics. He would make a superb chancellor for the world's greatest university, Hannan said.

The article also highlights that Independent Leicester South MP Shockat Adam told MEE that Khan's appointment to the role would be a universal symbol of resistance. He added: “It would send a powerful message of hope and illustrate the idea that walls simply imprison the body but not the beliefs.

Additionally, the MEE report said Adnan Hussain, independent MP for Blackburn, described the chancellorship as one of the most esteemed roles in public life and praised Khan's post-Oxford career as exemplary. While chatting with the media outlet, he noted that Imran Khan's hard work and dedication in whatever he does in life is a source of inspiration for young people who desperately need role models, in especially young Pakistanis, here and in Pakistan. Adding to this statement, Hussain told MEE that by appointing him, the University of Oxford would recognize and highlight all his achievements. Being of Pakistani origin myself, it would be an honor and pride for us all if Britain's most prestigious institution chose Imran Khan for this role.

We looked at the respective personalities' Pakistani politics in which @ImranKhanPTI, which is now languishing. in prison for more than a year on trumped-up charges, can more easily run for office here than there. #FreeImranKhan

No other British MP has publicly expressed support for Imran Khan's candidacy for the Oxford chancellorship. Therefore, claims suggesting that Khan received full support for his nomination from British parliamentarians are misleading as they imply that the former PTI president received unanimous support from them.

To verify the claim that three members of the British House of Commons have backed Imran Khan for the chancellorship of Oxford, we visited the official website of the British Parliament. Information available on the platform has confirmed that Shockat Adam and Adnan Hussain are independent MPs in the House of Commons, while Lord Daniel Hannan is a member of the House of Lords.

Finally, Soch Fact Check found no official statement from Boris Johnson confirming his withdrawal from the chancellorship race or declaring his support for Imran Khan. Further research led us to conclude that no credible media outlets have reported such a development either. In fact, we noted that Boris Johnson had been mentioned as a potential candidate for this role. However, her candidacy has not been officially confirmed and other figures like Theresa May are also considered possible contenders.


The misleading claim that Khan received significant or unanimous support for his nomination from British parliamentarians was shared here and here on Facebook.

On X, a reiteration of the claim was shared here (archive).

The false claim that three members of the House of Commons supported Khan's nomination was shared here on Facebook.

The false claim that Boris Johnson withdrew his candidacy declarations and declared his support for the former Pakistani prime minister was shared here (archives) and here (archives) on X.

It was also shared here, here, here, here and here on Facebook.

On Threads it was shared here, here, here and here.

Conclusion: Claims that British parliamentarians would unanimously support Imran Khan for the chancellorship of Oxford University are misleading. Although Lord Daniel Hannan and independent MPs Shockat Adam and Adnan Hussain supported the former prime minister, no other parliamentarians have publicly expressed their support. Furthermore, there is no evidence to suggest that Boris Johnson withdrew his candidacy for the position and expressed support for Imran Khan.

Background image on cover photo: Wikimedia; Aaj News; Ivy Tutor Network

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