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Jokowi deserves to be called the father of Indonesian infrastructure

Jokowi deserves to be called the father of Indonesian infrastructure
Jokowi deserves to be called the father of Indonesian infrastructure


Jakarta, Dayak Media

Infrastructure development under President Joko Widodo's administration has proven to have a positive multiplier effect on Indonesia's economy and society in remote areas of the country, including the disadvantaged, border and outermost regions (3T). Jokowi made a series of achievements considered worthy of being called the father of national infrastructure.

Telisa Aulia Falianty, professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (FEB UI), told the media that President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) performance deserves the highest appreciation as the father of national infrastructure.

He is the father of Indonesian infrastructure. “Our APBN amounts to around IDR 400-500 trillion per year allocated for infrastructure development,” Telisa told the media.

According to him, during the 10 years of President Joko Widodo's administration, infrastructure development has become the government's priority. It was therefore clear that infrastructure development facilitated connectivity, basic services and food distribution.

According to Telisa, this action is in line with the aspirations expressed in Nawacita. This document presents one of the main programs of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin government, namely the efforts to develop Indonesia from peripheral areas.

This is also what the government of President Joko Widodo must appreciate. The development of outermost areas certainly has costs in terms of economic visibility, which are not necessarily visible, but on a social level the impact will continue to reduce inequalities for the populations of 3T zones. There are social values ​​that can then support economic values, he said.

This strategy aims to increase the capacity and potential of regions and villages, while maintaining the principle of a unitary state. This approach reflects the government's commitment to creating more equitable and inclusive development across the country.

One of the infrastructure development successes of the Jokowi era was the creation of air connectivity with the 3T zone, Telisa said.

For a decade, he continued, Indonesia managed to expand its network of new airports, rehabilitate and develop airports and organize pioneering air transport to support connectivity and reduce price disparities for needs. communities in 3T zones.

So, he (Jokowi) and of course his cabinet officials are involved in the development of connectivity in 3T. So if I look at the evolution, it’s quite significant. He also greatly emphasized the importance of infrastructure in 3T zones. So this is what we should appreciate during these 10 years, he said.

Previously, Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI) Senior Researcher Denny JA, Ardian Sopa, revealed that the 2 periods of President Jokowi's administration were considered successful.

“From the data in this report card, we can actually judge that Jokowi's government is successful,” Ardian said at a press conference.

He explained that in 2014, when Jokowi served as President of the Republic of Indonesia, the GDP was only around IDR 891 billion with a ranking of 18th, while the GDP per capita was $3,477 Americans with a ranking of 144th. reached IDR 1.4 trillion with a ranking of 16th and GDP per capita was US$4,941 with a ranking of 114th.

“There was an increase in GDP of around 509 billion between 2014 and 2023,” he said.

Meanwhile, Kompas Research and Development also released survey results regarding satisfaction with the performance of the government of President Jokowi and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin. As a result, up to 75.6 percent of respondents were satisfied with the performance of Jokowi-Ma'ruf's government.

This survey was carried out from May 27 to June 2, 2024 through face-to-face interviews. The survey was conducted among 1,200 respondents randomly selected using a systematic multistage sampling method from 38 provinces in Indonesia. The confidence level is 95 percent, the margin of error is approximately 2.83 percent.

Many parties consider President Jokowi successful in leading Indonesia. Through infrastructure and human resource development as well as the National Economic Acceleration Program, Jokowi is building a solid foundation for a more advanced Indonesia. President Joko Widodo deserves to be called the father of national infrastructure.[Ist/Lsn)

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