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Donald Trump attacks Google and threatens legal action

Donald Trump attacks Google and threatens legal action


Donald Trump has threatened to sue Google “to the max” if he is elected president. Trump accused Google of favoring his rival Kamala Harris over him in search results. It's the latest direct threat against a company that has drawn Trump's ire.

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Former President Donald Trump is no stranger to attacks on businesses, and now he's taking on Google.

In an article published Friday on Truth Social, the Republican presidential candidate accused Google of being biased toward his Democratic opponent Kamala Harris in search results.

And Trump threatened to order the Justice Department to sue the tech giant if it wins in November.

Trump alleged that Google “illegally used a system of only revealing and displaying bad stories about Donald J. Trump” while surfacing good stories about Harris.

“I hope the Department of Justice criminally prosecutes them for this blatant election interference,” the message continued. “Otherwise, and subject to the laws of our country, I will demand that they be prosecuted, to the fullest extent, when I win the election and become President of the United States!”

A representative for Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Business Insider seeking the source of Trump's allegations.

But Trump's message may have been referring to a recent report released this week by Free Speech America researchers at the conservative media watchdog group Media Research Center. In the report, the group said it conducted Google searches on September 6 for the terms “Donald Trump 2024 presidential run” and “Kamala Harris 2024 presidential run.”

The group said Trump's campaign website appeared sixth in search results, while Harris' website appeared third in “organic search results.”

But in a statement shared with BI, Google refuted the Media Research Center report's purported findings.

“Both campaign websites consistently appear at the top of search for relevant and common search queries,” the Google statement said. “This report looked at a single rare search term over the course of a single day a few weeks ago, and even for that search, both candidates' websites ranked among the top results on Google.”

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“Queries about the presidential election or candidates typically bring up links to ever-changing news articles reflecting what's happening on the web – so they change all the time,” a Google spokesperson added in an email to BI. “We absolutely do not manipulate search results to favor any candidate.”

This is not the first time that Trump has attacked Google. Last month, the former president made another heavy accusation against the tech giant.

“Google is a crooked, election interference machine,” Trump wrote on Truth Social in August. “Totally illegal, they will pay a high price for what they do!”

In that post, Trump linked to an article from conservative media outlet Townhall, which detailed an Axios report that the Harris-Walz campaign altered newspaper headlines in Google search ads to make it appear that major media outlets favored the Democratic candidate.

Axios reported at the time that the Harris campaign's ads did not break any rules or violate Google policies.

In addition to threats against Google, Trump issued warnings to other companies and CEOs who crossed him.

Trump has had a long-running feud with Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, even threatening in July to send “ZUCKERBUCKS” to jail in a post that repeated Trump's false election fraud claims.

And on Monday, Trump threatened to impose 200% tariffs on John Deere if the company moved some manufacturing jobs to Mexico, an economic warning that economists said made no sense.

Representatives for the Harris campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Business Insider.




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