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Regional politicians and others react to the assassination of Hezbollah member Nasrallah

Regional politicians and others react to the assassination of Hezbollah member Nasrallah
Regional politicians and others react to the assassination of Hezbollah member Nasrallah


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks during a joint statement to the media in Baghdad, Iraq April 22, 2024. Photo: AHMAD AL-RUBAYE/Pool via REUTERS

Here are the reactions of regional politicians and others to the assassination of Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in an Israeli airstrike in Beirut on Friday:


The ministry said in a statement that “Nasrallah's path will continue and his goal will be realized in the liberation of Jerusalem.”

Yemen's Houthis aligned with Iran

The group said it mourned Nasrallah's assassination, adding: “Martyrdom…will increase the strength of sacrifice…determination and continuity.” »


He said Nasrallah's assassination showed “the reckless desire to expand the conflict at the expense of all people in the region, their security and stability.”


“Nasrallah indiscriminately murdered Israeli civilians and aimed to end this war through the destruction of the State of Israel. We made sure that didn't happen. We eliminated him and we will continue to get stronger. Hezbollah has murdered innocent people around the world, hiding its weapons under the homes of families, women and children and turning them into human shields. As we have demonstrated, we will not allow such a threat to our citizens. We are determined to continue the destruction of the terrorist organization Hezbollah and to continue the fight.”

MOQTADA EL SADR, IRAQI Shiite Muslim politician

He said he mourned Nasrallah as his “companion in resistance.”


He said he mourned Nasrallah's death as a major loss and said it was a difficult time for all Lebanese, adding: “In the face of the Israeli enemy, we have no choice but to be together as Lebanese. »


In a statement mourning Nasrallah, he spoke of “the dangers our country is witnessing due to the ongoing Israeli aggression which requires achieving the highest level of national solidarity that protects and strengthens our unity because that is the true salvation.”


“The assassination of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has plunged Lebanon and the region into a new phase of violence. It is a cowardly act condemned in its entirety by us, who paid dearly for the lives of our loved ones when assassination became an alternative to politics. May God have mercy on Sayyed Hassan and my sincere condolences to his family and comrades. We often disagreed with the deceased and his party and met a few times, but Lebanon was everyone's tent. In this extremely difficult phase, our unity and solidarity remain the foundation.


In an article on X after Nasrallah's assassination but which did not name him, Erdogan said he condemned the recent attacks in Lebanon as part of what he called an Israeli policy of “genocide, “occupation and invasion” and said the Muslim world should show a more “determined” stance.




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