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PTI workers demand government release IK

PTI workers demand government release IK
PTI workers demand government release IK


RAWALPINDI: Despite intense tear gas shelling, baton charges and blockades, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) workers took to the streets on Saturday to pressure the government to release the president party founder Imran Khan and denounce the proposed constitutional amendments.

The Rawalpindi administration, following Imran Khan's protest call, imposed Section 144 in the garrison town, completely sealed off the entire city and placed a large number of shipping containers at the outside Liaquat Bagh, the venue of the demonstration.

Police placed containers on Murree Road in Faizabad, one of the major junctions connecting the garrison town and the federal capital. All entry points on Murree Road, including Liaquat Bagh Chowk, Committee Chowk and Asghar Mall Chowk, have also been sealed.

Additionally, Chandni Chowk, Rahmanabad Chowk, Sadiqabad Chowk and Shamsabad Double Road Chowk have been closed.

In addition, all the small streets leading to Murree Road were closed with barbed wire. The district administration has also closed all educational institutions located on Liaquat Road, Iqbal Road and Sixth Road.

Hotels on Liaquat and Iqbal roads have been closed and rooms have been vacated. Additionally, ambulance entry on Murree Road and associated hospitals was restricted, and police and prison vans were deployed at all intersections. Metro bus service has been suspended.

Similarly, entry into the city from Tarnol GT Road, the highway and Rawat GT Road was disrupted due to placement of containers on the roads. Roads from Murree, Kotli Sattian, Kahuta and Taxila to Rawalpindi are also completely closed.

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Despite these barricades, the majority of PTI workers managed to reach Liaquat Bagh to register their protest, despite police baton charges and tear gas shelling. Hide and seek games continued throughout the day among police and protesters in Rawalpindi. The police also arrested many PTI workers from different localities of Rawalpindi.

Police reportedly arrested a number of PTI workers and leaders in Rawalpindi. PTI workers chanted slogans for the release of Imran Khan and against the government. It is pertinent to mention here that Imran Khan's sister Aleema Khan along with some workers also reached Liaquat Bagh.

Police continued to fire tear gas at PTI workers in the areas around Liaquat Bagh and Murree Road to disperse them.

Punjab Police fired tear gas shells at the rally led by Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur at the highway and also at another rally led by Azam Khan Swati at Attock.

Gandapur was unable to join his party's protest in Rawalpindi as he got stuck at Burhan Interchange, where he later announced the end of the protest and asked workers to go home.

PTI supporters coming from KP had gathered at Burhan Interchange and after the Punjab Police stopped the shelling, they started advancing towards Rawalpindi.

Long lines of vehicles formed on the highway, with PTI workers leaving their vehicles to walk on foot.

The Gandapur convoy arrived at the scene and the chief minister ordered his supporters to move forward, despite the ongoing shelling.

However, as they advanced, the Punjab Police resumed their shelling, leaving Gandapur trapped in the crowds.

Afterwards, he announced the conclusion of the demonstration and urged protesters to disperse, saying: “We will be back.”

As tensions rose in Burhan, PTI workers blocked the vehicle of Chief Minister Gandapur, protesting against police shelling and closure of the highway.

They demanded that Gandapur lead them on foot. In response, the chief minister briefly got out of his vehicle and encouraged the protesters to keep moving.

However, when some workers insisted that he join them on foot, Gandapur became angry and allegedly used inappropriate language before retreating to his car.

Meanwhile, Barrister Saif, spokesperson of KP Chief Minister, despite the odds, Gandapur spent five hours confronting the full might of Punjab and the federal administration. After the protest ended, he returned to Peshawar.

Saif also confirmed that the protest at Rawalpindis Liaquat Bagh had ended and announced that on the orders of party founder Imran Khan, the PTI would resume protests next week.

Later, lawyer Gohar Ali Khan, president of PTI, announced the end of the protest. He said he had informed party leaders about the end of today's protest. He asked the workers to disperse peacefully.

Earlier in the day, Punjab Police arrested PTI president Gohar Ali Khan and leader Salman Akram Raja near Area H-13 on their way to Rawalpindi.

Shortly after their detention, Gohar was released, while Salman Akram Raja remained in detention.

Gohar said he and Raja were arrested at H-13 and directed to return after a disagreement, preventing them from traveling to Rawalpindi.

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