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To steal anti-Covid vaccines, Boris Johnson considered a maritime raid in the Netherlands

To steal anti-Covid vaccines, Boris Johnson considered a maritime raid in the Netherlands
To steal anti-Covid vaccines, Boris Johnson considered a maritime raid in the Netherlands


Highly criticized for his management of the pandemic in his country, the former British Prime Minister nevertheless had no shortage of ideas to help his fellow citizens.
KIRSTY O'CONNOR / AFP Highly criticized for his management of the pandemic in his country, the former British Prime Minister nevertheless had no shortage of ideas to help his fellow citizens.


Highly criticized for his management of the pandemic in his country, the former British Prime Minister nevertheless had no shortage of ideas to help his fellow citizens.

UNITED KINGDOM – More ideas and perhaps too much. Pass of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom columnist for the tablod Daily MailBritish politician Boris Johnson continues to surprise his compatriots. He proved it again with an extract from his next book, including parts were revealed by his new employer.

In this book, entitled Unchained (i.e. dchan in French), Boris Johnson promises to reveal his many truths about the Brexit period, but also that of Covid and the famous evenings organized by the former tenant of 10Downing Street during the pandemic.

It is therefore in his inimitable style that Boris Johnson revealed, Friday September 27, that he once considered invading the Netherlands thanks to a spectacular raid across the Channel to recover the five million vaccines stolen by the clutches of Brussels.

In this extract from his book, which will be released on October 10, Boris Johnson explains that he spoke very seriously with senior British military officials in March 2021. In question? Stocks of the AstraZeneca vaccine were supposed to return to the United Kingdom, but which had been blocked by the EU in the Netherlands due to a trade dispute linked to exports between the EU and London. Believing that Brussels was treating its country with maliceBoris Johnson would therefore have proposed a plan that is nebulous to say the least, but very serious.

Invade a NATO ally? Really?

He therefore had, in his own words, commissioned work to determine whether it would be technically possible to launch a maritime raid on a warehouse in Leiden, Netherlands, in order to recover what was legally us and which the country desperately needed. In his story, he also emphasizes that the idea had been judged certainly feasible by the Deputy Chief of the British Defense Staff, based on the use of rigid inflatable boats that can navigate the Dutch canals.

If the plan had all the appearance of a feasible project on paper, the ex-Prime Minister nevertheless came up against the opinion of this senior officer, Lieutenant General Doug Chalmers, who confided to Boris Johnson that once the packages were recovered, Boris Johnson would have had to be accountable to his allis, explaining to them in particular why he invaded a long-time NATO ally. A remark that could not be more relevant.

Of course, I knew he was right, and I secretly agreed with what they were all thinking, but I didn't want to say it out loud: it was all crazyBoris Johnson slips into this book in the form of a modernized memoir. In detail, the plan Marry was to make it possible to recover vaccine stocks, before exfiltration in a truck which would have taken the direction of the Channel ports with a view to returning to the United Kingdom.

An anecdote among many others in this work, where Boris Johnson also looks back on his days in intensive care after contracting Covid-19, thanking the skills and experience of his nurses, without whom he would no longer be here today to tell his eccentric stories, to say the least.

see also on The HuffPost:




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