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PTI defies protest ban and clashes with police

PTI defies protest ban and clashes with police
PTI defies protest ban and clashes with police



PTI protesters, responding to a call from their leader Imran Khan, took to the streets of Rawalpindi on Saturday, triggering intense clashes with police that turned the city into a battleground.

A sense of apprehension and tension hung in the air in the garrison town as the embattled party prepared for a protest in Rawalpindi with Section 144 in force, echoing recent clashes that marred its demonstrations of power in the midst of increasing obstacles.

After a day marked by chaos and unrest, the PTI announced new protest dates, ending its demonstrations in Rawalpindi after clashes with law enforcement.

In a bid to quell the protest, Rawalpindi police blocked entry points into the city, thwarting attempts by PTI workers to gather at Liaquat Bagh, which had been designated as the protest venue.

The party's plans changed after Imran Khan indicated that the government would not allow them to hold their rally in the city and instead designated a venue in the suburbs.

In an effort to quell the PTI's actions, the provincial government banned all public gatherings and deployed paramilitary forces throughout Rawalpindi.

The atmosphere at Mareer Chowk from Murree Road to Chandni Chowk descended into chaos as tear gas shelling and skirmishes broke out, disturbing the peace and sparking fears among residents.

Amid the turmoil, Punjab Police arrested PTI President's lawyer Gohar Ali Khan and leader Salman Akram Raja near Zone H-13 while they were on their way to Rawalpindi. Gohar was released soon after, but Salman Akram Raja remains in custody.

After their confrontation with police, Gohar said they were stopped at H-13 and asked to turn back after a disagreement, thereby blocking their path to Rawalpindi.

In a show of solidarity, PTI central information secretary Sheikh Waqas Akram made a video statement, praising party members for their courage in the face of police shelling and “direct firing”.

He congratulated them for overcoming obstacles and moving the containers.

“I would like to congratulate all PTI leaders, workers and stakeholders who visited Liaquat Bagh today,” Waqas said. He announced plans to hold large protests in Multan, Mianwali and Faisalabad on October 2, emphasizing: “It is your duty to come out. »

In another press conference, Waqas slammed the Punjab government for the obstacles imposed on the PTI, alleging that expired ammunition was used in the shelling against the party's supporters and workers.


The use of tear gas throughout the day caused considerable distress, with canisters falling into nearby homes and hitting residents, particularly women and children, who found themselves caught in the crossfire of political dissent .

Media professionals covering the demonstrations were also not spared from the chaos, as they bore the brunt of the police action aimed at dispersing the crowd.

However, despite the government's strong efforts to quell the unrest, PTI members remained undeterred. However, around 7:30 p.m., following instructions from the PTI central leadership, the protest officially ended.

After the announcement, PTI leaders and workers dispersed peacefully.

Once the protest ended, blockades on major roads, including the M1 and M2 motorways, were lifted and traffic returned to normal.




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