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PTI and PML-N exchange barbs following clashes – Pakistan

PTI and PML-N exchange barbs following clashes – Pakistan
PTI and PML-N exchange barbs following clashes – Pakistan


ISLAMABAD/LAHORE: As police cracked down on PTI leaders and workers protesting against price hike, alleged warrant theft and in favor of an independent judiciary, the opposition party condemned the undemocratic behavior of the government, accusing the ruling elite of violating basic human rights. , including the right to assemble.

The party alleged that the federal and Punjab governments were intentionally trying to create chaos and instability in the country, warning that the government would be held responsible for any untoward situation.

Everyone can see what is happening to us in Rawalpindi and Lahore. It is our right to hold peaceful protests, and our founding president Imran Khan has always urged us to respect the law, PTI chief Sheikh Waqas Akram said at a press conference at Khyber House on Saturday Pakhtunkhwa to Islamabad.

He said the PTI wanted to hold a peaceful protest at Liaquat Bagh to express concerns over price rise, electoral mandate theft and to support an independent judiciary. After the No Objection Certificate (NOC) was cancelled, we called for a peaceful protest. However, law enforcement raided the homes of members of the national and provincial assemblies and arrested many leaders and workers. The government wants to deprive us of our constitutional rights, he said.

PTI accuses Center and Punjab of inciting unrest, PML-N accuses Gandapur of using KP resources to attack Punjab

Mr Waqas said all roads leading to Liaquat Bagh were closed and even small streets were blocked by containers. Workers and leaders were beaten with batons and bombarded by police. The worst was the use of expired tear gas shells against the demonstrators, injuring several leaders and workers. Unfortunately, the federal and Punjab governments are trying to create unrest in the country, he said.

The government claimed that the people were from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, but I ask: are the people of KP not Pakistanis? The government seeks to sow discord among the masses. We have seen false flag operations in the past. Can resorting to the police solve the problems? » he questioned.

The PTI leader demanded that the government and the extension mafia should prioritize the country before their interests and called for the immediate release of all arrested workers.

KP resources used: PML-N

Punjab Information Minister and PML-N leader Azma Bokhari has accused Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur of using Khyber Pakhtunkhwa resources to attack Punjab. If Gandapur had not been allowed to enter Punjab, he would not have been able to even cross the Attock Bridge. [Ex-KP chief minister] Pervez Khattak had also tried to come to Islamabad but could not cross the Attock Bridge, she said at a press conference in Lahore on Saturday.

She claimed that the PTI terror group had taught young people how to make Molotov cocktails. In fact, the PTI intends to sabotage the Shanghai Cooperation Organization conference by creating unrest, she claimed, accusing the party of conspiring against the country.

We will not tolerate any derogatory remarks against Pakistan and its institutions during the protests. They repeatedly claim to be peaceful, but everyone has seen their version of peace, she said.

Mr. Bokhari wondered how a KP Chief Minister could enter another province armed with an AK-47. Has a political party ever organized rallies with weapons?

Replying to a question, Ms. Bokhari warned that if PTI members took up arms, they would be treated as terrorists. PTI members should cut Imran Khan's birthday cake outside Adiala jail instead of at Minar-i-Pakistan.

PML-N Senator Talal Chaudhry said the so-called chain of protests was started by a gang of rioters looking for an NRO and in doing so they were not only holding the country and the nation hostage, but also targeted Punjab.

He told a reporter in Faisalabad that spreading anarchy in the name of protests could not be allowed. He criticized the KP chief minister, saying he had done nothing for the people of KP except engaging in corruption and abusing opponents.

Tariq Saeed of Toba Tek Singh also contributed to this report

Published in Dawn, September 29, 2024




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