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FM says Israel seeks to expand war beyond Gaza

FM says Israel seeks to expand war beyond Gaza
FM says Israel seeks to expand war beyond Gaza



FM says Israel seeks to expand war beyond Gaza

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said Saturday that Israel's increasing military actions, particularly the assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, suggest Israel wants to expand the Gaza conflict to the region.

“There is a desire in Israel, including [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu, to intensify the conflict in the region,” Fidan said in an exclusive interview with Trkiye’s public channel TRT Haber in New York.

He stressed that “if Israel is not stopped in Gaza and Palestine, it will expand its war to the surrounding areas,” noting that after hitting its military targets in Gaza, Israel is now heading to the front in Lebanon.

Hezbollah and Israel have continued their cross-border war since last October's Gaza war, but Tel Aviv recently intensified its offensive in Lebanon, killing hundreds, displacing thousands and also assassinating the group's leader Nasrallah. The conflict could further intensify amid fears of an Israeli military ground invasion.

Fidan called the current situation in Gaza, where more than 41,000 Palestinians have been killed since the October 7 Hamas incursion, a “tragedy” but said that if there is a greater tragedy, it is that of the hypocrisy and ineffectiveness of the international system.

Need for reform at the UN

Fidan said the conflict has shown us that international institutions, including the UN, are not working, highlighting the urgent need for reforms.

He said that “the despair at the UN and the silence of the international community on this issue have become a frightening situation.”

Turkey's top diplomat also stressed the importance of establishing an independent Palestine, saying the Gaza Contact Group, formed at a joint summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Arab League in Saudi Arabia last November, continues to address this issue.

More than 150 countries have already supported full recognition of the State of Palestine, he added.

Trkiye's role in advocacy

The minister said that under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Trkiye had been proactive in promoting peace.

“Trkiye is neither limited to the Western nor the Eastern axis,” Fidan said, asserting that Ankara will continue to move forward with a constructive and peace-oriented approach in the region.

The role of the United States in the conflict

He criticized the extent of U.S. support for Israel, calling it troubling that “all American power is at Israel's disposal.”

Fidan noted that “America's political, financial and military support continues,” referring to President Joe Biden's recent statements on the attacks in Lebanon and Israel's right to self-defense.

He called Nasrallah's death a significant loss for both Hezbollah and Iran.

The foreign minister said he was alarmed by Israel's actions that could drag its allies into a wider conflict, saying it was “dragging itself and its allies into a major conflict.”




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