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'Mann ki Baat' turns 10: Key quotes from PM Modi's speech | News from India

'Mann ki Baat' turns 10: Key quotes from PM Modi's speech | News from India
'Mann ki Baat' turns 10: Key quotes from PM Modi's speech | News from India


'Mann ki Baat' turns 10: Key quotes from PM Modi's speech

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his 'Mann ki Baat' speech on Sunday, thanked listeners as his monthly radio show completed 10 years.
PM Modi's 'Mann Ki Baat' radio show began on October 3, 2014, the day of Vijayadashmi.
“It is such a coincidence that this year, on October 3, when 'Mann Ki Baat' turns 10, it will be the first day of Navratri,” PM Modi said.
The Prime Minister added, “There are many such milestones in this long journey of ‘Mann Ki Baat’ which I can never forget. The millions of listeners of “Mann Ki Baat” are our companions on this journey, who have supported me. continually. They provided information from all corners of the country. The listeners of “Mann Ki Baat” are the real brains behind this show.”
Key quotes from PM Modi's 'Mann Ki Baat' speech:

  • For me, this whole process of 'Mann Ki Baat' is like going to a temple and seeing God. When I remember every word, every incident, every letter of 'Mann Ki Baat', I feel like I am seeing the audience in the form of God, PM Modi said.
  • Many media outlets have also run campaigns on the issues we have raised through 'Mann Ki Baat'. I also thank the written press, which brought it to every home. I would also like to thank YouTubers who have made many shows on 'Mann Ki Baat', the Prime Minister said.
  • Some women of Jhansi have given new life to the Ghurari river. These women are associated with a self-help group and led this campaign by becoming “Jal Saheli”. No one would have imagined the way these women saved the almost dying Ghurari River, he said.
  • There is a border village named 'Jhala' in Uttarkashi of Uttarakhand… The youth here have launched a special initiative to keep their village clean. He is leading a “Thank You Nature” campaign in his village. As part of this, the village is cleaned for two hours every day. Garbage scattered on the village streets is collected and dumped in a designated place outside the village, the Prime Minister added.
  • A massive campaign is also being carried out on the beaches of Puducherry regarding cleanliness. Here, a lady named Ramya ji leads a team of young people from Mahe municipality and surrounding areas. Through their efforts, the members of this team keep the Mahé region and in particular its beaches perfectly clean, he said.
  • On October 2, the 'Swachh Bharat Mission' ends 10 years. This is an opportunity to congratulate those who made this movement such a great mass movement in the history of India. It is also a true tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, who remained dedicated to this cause throughout his life, he added.
  • I came across a wonderful effort in Kozhikode, Kerala. Here, 74-year-old Subramanian ji has repaired and reused more than 23,000 chairs. People also call it 'Reduce, Reuse and Recycle' i.e. Champion RRR, the Prime Minister added.
  • We need to connect as many people as possible to the ongoing campaign for cleanliness, and this is not a one-day or one-year campaign; it is a work that must be continued for centuries. It is a task to be accomplished until 'cleanliness' becomes our nature, the Prime Minister said during Mann Ki Baat.
  • During my visit to the United States, the American government returned nearly 300 ancient artifacts to India. US President Biden showed me some of these items in a very warm manner at his private residence in Delaware. The objects returned are made of materials such as terracotta, stone, ivory, wood, copper and bronze. Many of them are four thousand years old, the Prime Minister said.
  • A campaign has been launched to give a new identity to our language “Santhali” through digital innovation. Santhali is spoken by the members of the Santhal tribal community living in many states of our country. Besides India, Santhali-speaking tribal communities are also present in Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan, the Prime Minister added.
  • When our collective participation is combined with our determination, it produces astonishing results for all of society. The most recent example is 'Name of a mother tree” – This campaign has been a wonderful campaign, such an example of public participation is really very inspiring. People from all corners of the country have done wonders in this campaign launched for the protection of the environment, said the Prime Minister minister.
  • To promote your talent and creativity, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India has launched 25 challenges under the theme 'Create in India'. You will definitely find these challenges interesting, he added.
  • A campaign has been launched to give a new identity to our language “Santhali” through digital innovation. Santhali is spoken by the members of the Santhal tribal community living in many states of our country. Besides India, Santhali-speaking tribal communities are also present in Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan, the Prime Minister said.
  • When our collective participation is combined with our determination, it produces astonishing results for all of society. The most recent example is “Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam” – this campaign has been a wonderful campaign, such an example of public participation is truly very inspiring. People from all corners of the country have done wonders in this campaign launched for environmental protection, the Prime Minister said.
  • To promote your talent and creativity, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India has launched 25 challenges under the theme 'Create in India'. You will certainly find these challenges interesting, said the Prime Minister.
  • This month, another important 'Abhiyan' celebrated its 10th anniversary. The success of this campaign includes the contribution of large industries as well as small traders in the country. I'm talking about 'Manufacture in India“…Today, I am very happy to see that the poor, middle class and MSMEs are benefiting a lot from this campaign,” the Prime Minister added.




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