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Indonesian astropolitics is outdated: will Indonesia get back up and seize the opportunities?

Indonesian astropolitics is outdated: will Indonesia get back up and seize the opportunities?
Indonesian astropolitics is outdated: will Indonesia get back up and seize the opportunities?


Defense and security issues are today experiencing increasingly complex developments, in which the areas on which defense and security focuses no longer include land, sea and air, but are developed in the current era towards the control of outer space and space. Activities related to the control of outer space, both military, advanced technological and global strategic, are then known as “astropolitics”.

Indonesia is one of the Southeast Asian countries that started showing interest in space and space studies since 1962. This prompted Indonesia to form a committee of astronautics on May 31, 1962 by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia. , Ir. Juanda, who was also the chairman of the Indonesian Aviation Council at the time, and RJ Salatun, secretary of the Indonesian Aviation Council. On September 22, 1962, the Republic of Indonesia then established the Early Scientific and Military Rocket Project (PRIMA), affiliated with the Indonesian Air Force (AURI) and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). In addition, Indonesia also successfully manufactured and launched two Kartika series rockets and their telematri series. On November 27, 1963, Indonesia subsequently established the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN), established in accordance with Presidential Decree Number 236 of 1963. The establishment of LAPAN aims to develop aerospace technology focused on “Sonda” booster rockets, satellites, transport aircraft, unmanned surveillance aircraft (LAPAN Surveillance UAV) and LAPAN Surveillance Aircraft (LSA). Indonesia has also carried out several international collaborations related to the space sector, including in 2005, Indonesia signed the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) agreement. This APSCO cooperation was officially signed by 8 countries, namely China, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Iran, Mongolia, Pakistan, Peru and Thailand. On October 2, 2013, Indonesia and China signed an agreement on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes. The forms of cooperation include satellite research and development cooperation, satellite launch cooperation, remote sensing cooperation, space science and technology training cooperation, etc. This is because, given Indonesia's geographical, geostrategic and geopolitical position, the need to protect and defend interests on land, sea and airspace over Indonesia is an important thing to do (Utami, 2019).

The development of astropolitical studies in Indonesia has seen increasingly visible changes, where Indonesia is also carrying out various collaborations and developing space-related technologies. In March 2022, the National Research and Innovation Agency also formed the secretariat of the Indonesian Space Agency (INASA), which was previously under LAPAN. The aim of establishing INASA is to fulfill several international obligations, including the registration of Indonesian space objects. In 2022, Indonesia is also implementing an astropolitical diplomacy program by collaborating with European Union (EU) countries under EU Copernicus. In this regard, President Joko Widodo said in his state speech that Indonesia will begin to focus on astropolitical and space aspects with emphasis on the research and development of satellites operating for the use and the use of communication satellites, remote sensing satellites and satellites that function as orbit management and monitoring within the framework of the security and defense of Indonesian satellite orbits in space. However, the fact is that when we talk about the significant development of astropolitics, Indonesia has always been rotating in the same cycle. This can be proven by the legal basis used to develop technology and research related to astropolitics, which still relies on the 1998 Aerospace Congress and the Air Force Division Act of 2002. Another obstacle, which is also felt in research related to astropolitical studies in Indonesia, is that Indonesia still cannot see the study based on the study of “space”, it is which makes Indonesian astropolitics unable to develop further, even far behind compared to India. Apart from the first president of Indonesia, namely Ir. Soekarno had indeed become one of the pioneers of the progress of astropolitical development at that time by emphasizing the existence of a space revolution and research related to space technology was growing then, but after that Indonesia experienced a very long period of stagnation until now.




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