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Clickbait videos falsely claim Imran Khan was appointed chancellor of Oxford University

Clickbait videos falsely claim Imran Khan was appointed chancellor of Oxford University
Clickbait videos falsely claim Imran Khan was appointed chancellor of Oxford University


Claim: Imran Khan was appointed chancellor of Oxford University.

Fact: Khan has submitted his application for the vacant position, according to one of his aides in the United Kingdom. Oxford University has not published any list of candidates, but said voting for the position would begin on October 28, 2024, and final results would be announced in the week beginning November 25, 2024.

On August 28, 2024, Capital TV published (archive) a report on YouTube titled Appointment of Imran Khan as Chancellor | Big news from Oxford University | Capital Television. The clip, which has been viewed more than 201,000 times, features a thumbnail with the following text:

LATEST NEWS ! [BREAKING NEWS Khan’s election as Chancellor! Big news from Oxford University]

Although the video report itself does not make any misleading or false statements, the title as well as the text of the vignette are misleading as they suggest that Khan has already been elected chancellor.

Earlier this year, reports emerged claiming that Khan, the former prime minister and founder of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), had been nominated as a candidate for chancellor of Oxford University, which was opened when Lord Christopher Patten announced (archive) his retirement at the end of the 2023-24 academic year.

However, these reports were debunked as false because they were based on a speculative (archive) article published by the London Evening Standard, which cited no official sources or public opinion polling and described Khan as one of the the most unpredictable actors. candidates.

The former prime minister's application has now been submitted to the University, an aide said.

As per Imran Khan's instructions, his nomination form for the 2024 Oxford University Chancellor election has been submitted. We look forward to everyone's support for a historic campaign, wrote Sayed Zulfikar Bukhari, his assistant (archive) on X (formerly Twitter) on August 18, 2024.

Reports of Khan's candidacy for Chancellor of Oxford have sparked a flurry of activity, with opinion pieces published in favor and against his candidacy, analysis saying his chances appear slim, and petitions supporting and s opposing his decision visible here, here and here.

The Daily Mails website MailOnline reported that Oxford University received emails and a petition and attended protests after the disgraced prime minister's candidacy; however, the tabloid did not provide any sources.

Two Pakistani men also reportedly submitted evidence to the university in the hope that Khan would be declared ineligible.

According to the Daily Telegraph, the PTI founder said he wanted to take up the role of chancellor to give back to the university which helped me a lot during my formative years.

The Imran Khan fiasco

Khan was first arrested (archive) on May 9, 2023 on the orders of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) on corruption charges in the Al-Qadir Trust case (archive). His detention sparked violent protests across the country and he was released (archives) a few days later after the intervention of the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

The former prime minister was arrested (archives) and jailed for a second time on August 5, 2023, after a court found him dishonest [was] established beyond doubt in the Toshakhana case. He has since been incarcerated.

In January 2024, just a month before Pakistan's general elections, he was sentenced to a total of 31 years in prison for corruption, leaking state secrets and un-Islamic marriage, according to these reports (archived here and here). .

Khan was seen for the first time (archive) since his incarceration in an apparently leaked photo from the proceedings of May 16, 2024, when he was allowed to appear in the Supreme Court via video link.

A day before the trial, the PTI leader was granted (archive) bail in a corruption case. Previously, sentences in two of the four cases in which he was convicted were also suspended; one of them (archives) was the Toshakhana case. However, he will not leave prison, his lawyer declared (archives).

In July, it was reported that Khan had been acquitted in two other cases (archived here and here) by Pakistani courts.

Fact or fiction?

Soch Fact Check scoured the Election of the next Chancellor (archives) page of the University of Oxford website to examine the information available in this regard.

The new chancellor will serve for a 10-year term, the website says, adding that Convocation will be asked to elect a new chancellor during the Michaelmas term, which begins October 13 and ends December 7. It also indicates that more than 250,000 colleagues and alumni could participate online in the election of chancellors; however, voter registration is now closed.

The University explains that a list of candidates for the position of Chancellor will not be made public until early October and that voting will take place in the week beginning October 28, 2024. The winner will be announced during the seventh week, which corresponds to the week beginning October 25, 2024. November 2024.

Soch Fact Check therefore concludes that clickbait headlines circulating online claiming Khan's appointment as Chancellor of Oxford University are misleading as they suggest he has already been chosen for the role. As the former prime minister's candidature has been submitted, the educational institution said that voting for the post will begin on October 28, 2024.


Soch Fact Check revealed that Capital TV shared the false claim in the titles or captions of its videos here and here on YouTube, here and here on Instagram and here on Facebook; However, the reports are only updates on the candidacy of former prime ministers.

Other TV channels including GNN, Geo News, Express News, SAMAA TV and Public News have also published this claim in their video thumbnails, titles and captions here, here, here, here, here and here .

We also found the claim in the titles, captions and thumbnails of videos and posts shared here, here and here. False allegations have been published here, here and here.

Other articles here , here , here , here , here and here where the claim has been shared claim either that Khan's name was recommended for the post of chancellor or that a new investigation has shown that the former Prime minister is in first position among the candidates. . There is also no truth in this and the investigation was not carried out by any reputable organization.

A Facebook page here posted a video with the false caption that the former Pakistani prime minister is the new chancellor of Oxford and that an announcement of [his] success is there.

Conclusion: Headlines circulating online claiming the appointment of Imran Khan as Chancellor of Oxford University are misleading. The list of candidates for this position has also not been announced and voting has not started. The new chancellor will be announced during the week of November 25, 2024, according to information available on the university website.

Background image on cover photo: Luna Bear

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