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Will respond to every bullet, baton, says KP CM Gandapur after PTI-police clashes

Will respond to every bullet, baton, says KP CM Gandapur after PTI-police clashes
Will respond to every bullet, baton, says KP CM Gandapur after PTI-police clashes


Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur speaks to reporters at the CM House in Peshawar on September 28, 2024. Screenshot/Facebook/ @AliAminKhanGandapurPtiMore than 50 PTI workers were injured in the bombing, says KP chief minister. Gandapur claims bullets were fired at them every three kilometers. .He salutes the people of KP, Rawalpindi division, for their support.

PESHAWAR: Commenting on the recent clashes between Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) workers and police in Rawalpindi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur said his party will answer every bullet, tear gas shells and batons. strike against his supporters.

In a statement issued on Sunday, the PTI firebrand leader claimed that bullets had been fired at three of their workers and that it was impossible to trace the whereabouts of one of them.

“More than 50 PTI workers were injured in shelling as shells and bullets were fired at us every three kilometers,” he said.

KP Chief Minister Gandapur said this after returning to Peshawar as the PTI protest in Rawalpindi was “cancelled” amid violent clashes between protesters and riot police near Liaquat Bagh.

The Gandapur-led convoy remained stuck at the interchange for several hours due to road closures as authorities placed containers at the Burhan interchange in an attempt to thwart the PTI protest.

Addressing the participants, the KP chief executive ordered them to return to Peshawar and slammed the government for not giving the PTI its constitutional right.

Vowing to return with all means, he regretted that the police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at the demonstrators.

On the other hand, Gandapur said, many policemen were arrested by the party workers, but he rescued them.

They [police] set a precedent by firing bullets [] We also have weapons, he said.

Meanwhile, he hailed the people of KP and Rawalpindi division for their support to the former ruling party.

PTI workers demand resignation from Gandapur

Gandapur's announcement to postpone the protest on Saturday drew strong opposition from protesters who refused to return and demanded his resignation.

PTI workers surrounded the KP Chief Minister's vehicle and staged a protest against the party leadership at Burhan Interchange.

However, the protest was called off after the intervention of PTI chief Azam Swatis.

Addressing the protesters, the former federal minister said that they had called off the Rawalpindi protest on the instructions of Imran Khan. We must follow his [PTI founder] guidelines.

Earlier, the Punjab government had imposed Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) in Rawalpindi division for two days, banning all political rallies, sit-ins, rallies, demonstrations and similar activities.

The PTI had initially planned to hold a public rally at Liaquat Bagh but turned the event into a protest as per the directives of the former prime minister.

He also withdrew his application for obtaining a no-objection certificate (NOC) to hold a rally from the court of the Lahore High Court in Rawalpindi.

Lawyer Gohar Ali Khan, president of PTI, and Salman Akram Raja were also arrested on their way to Rawalpindi near sector H-13, only to be released shortly.

In a statement issued earlier, PTI said Gohar and Salman were on their way to Rawalpindi when police stopped their vehicle near Sector H-13 and took them into custody. They [law enforcers] took the two leaders in a van.

After his release, the PTI leader, speaking to Geo News, said that the police had asked them to return instead of heading towards Rawalpindi.

On the other hand, Rawalpindi police spokesperson said the city was on high alert and police personnel were deployed at entry and exit points of the city.

The spokesperson reiterated that no illegal public gatherings would be allowed anywhere in the city and warned that strict action would be taken against any violations.

The party founded by Imran Khan, as part of its months-long effort to obtain permission to hold public rallies, managed to hold two rallies in Islamabad and Lahore under strict conditions in recent weeks.




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