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Trump calls Harris 'mentally disabled' in Wisconsin speech focused on immigration

Trump calls Harris 'mentally disabled' in Wisconsin speech focused on immigration
Trump calls Harris 'mentally disabled' in Wisconsin speech focused on immigration


Donald Trump personally attacked his Democratic opponent Kamala Harris during a visit to southwest Wisconsin on Saturday, calling her “mentally disabled” in a speech focused on immigration.

The former Republican president spoke to a crowd in a high school auditorium in Prairie du Chien, a river town of fewer than 6,000 people near the Wisconsin-Iowa border.

Trump has accused the Biden-Harris administration of enabling illegal immigration, and he has linked the problem to crime, using often graphic anecdotes.

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The backdrop of his speech at the Prairie du Chien Area Arts Center included photo posters with the names of people who allegedly immigrated to the United States illegally and have been charged with crimes, including one poster that spelled misread the word “homicide”.

Trump and other Republicans have called Harris Joe Biden's border czar, after the Democratic president asked her to address the root causes of migration.

Trump doubled down on that label on Saturday. He said he was not impressed by Harris' appearance at the southern border on Saturday. This was Harris' first visit to the border since 2021.

“I watched this show that she put on,” Trump said. “(After) four years of the world's most incompetent border in history, Kamala Harris has stepped up to the plate.”

He then drew laughter and cheers from the crowd when he said: “Joe Biden has become mentally deficient. Kamala was born like this.

“If you think about it,” he added, “only a mentally disabled person could have allowed this to happen to our country.”

Former Republican President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign event Saturday, September 28, 2024 in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. AP Photo/Morry Gash

Harris promised to take steps to secure the border, such as increasing funding for Border Patrol agents and improving fentanyl detection technology. She also pledged to create a pathway to citizenship for legal immigrants.

And his campaign accused Trump of pressuring Congress to reject a major immigration bill.

“He derailed the bipartisan border deal because he is more interested in fanning the flames of hatred and division than in providing real solutions for our country,” the spokeswoman said Saturday. Harris-Walz, Sarafina Chitika, in a press release.

Trump is campaigning in a district where the congressional race is closely watched

Trump called Prairie du Chien a “beautiful town,” while joking about the difficulty of pronouncing the French-influenced name.

He also discussed the recent arrest of a Venezuelan national who police suspect of entering the country illegally.

Prairie du Chien police apprehended Alejandro Jose Coronel Zarate earlier this month on several charges after Crawford County police said he sexually assaulted a woman he was dating and living with. He is also accused of strangling this woman while he was in Prairie du Chien and of physically assaulting his daughter when she tried to intervene to prevent her mother from being strangled, according to a criminal complaint filed in Crawford County.

At the time of Colonel Zarate's arrest in Prairie du Chien, he had a warrant out for his arrest in Dane County on charges of strangulation and false imprisonment stemming from an incident that occurred in Madison.

The Prairie du Chien police chief previously said Coronel Zarate appears to have ties to a transnational gang from Venezuela known as the Tren de Aragua.

But, in a speech on stage before Trump's speech, the chief clarified that the problem does not appear to be widespread in the city.

“The suspect in the September 5 incident is the only Venezuelan gang member with whom my team had contact prior to this incident, and the only Venezuelan gang member with whom we have had contact since this incident ” said Chief Kyle Teynor. “Violence knows no nationality. He doesn't know any immigration status. He knows no race or political affiliation. Violence in any form must never become normal in a civilized society.

Republican U.S. Rep. Derrick Van Orden introduced Trump and the other speakers. Van Orden will face Democrat Rebecca Cooke in a tight race on Nov. 5 for the 3rd Congressional District, which includes Prairie du Chien.

Prairie du Chien is the seat of Crawford County, which is somewhat Republican, with about 53% of the vote going to Trump four years ago.

Trump plans to return to Wisconsin early next week, with campaign stops planned for Tuesday in Waunakee and Milwaukee.

Wisconsin Public Radio, Copyright 2024, University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents and Wisconsin Educational Communications Board.




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