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Donald Trump criticizes Kamala Harris and Joe Biden in 'dark speech'

Donald Trump criticizes Kamala Harris and Joe Biden in 'dark speech'
Donald Trump criticizes Kamala Harris and Joe Biden in 'dark speech'


Prairie du Chien:

Donald Trump on Saturday called Democrat Kamala Harris “mentally defective” and said illegal immigrants were ready to slit the throats of ordinary Americans in their own homes, as he doubled down on the racist rhetoric that fueled his unprecedented attempt to win back the American presidency.

Trump sought to retaliate against Harris after her visit to the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday and pledged to do more to police asylum applications and undocumented migrant crossings.

This record is one of the Democratic vice president's weakest in the polls, as she runs neck and neck with Trump in the November 5 election.

Trump dismissed Harris' speech at the border, swearing and telling supporters in the small town of Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, that President Joe Biden and Harris are responsible for an “invasion” of violent criminals.

Anti-immigration sentiment has been at the heart of Trump's appeal in economically depressed, majority-white parts of the country since his 2016 presidential victory, but the rhetoric is growing more extreme as Election Day approaches. elections.

The 78-year-old businessman – the first major presidential candidate in US history to be convicted and facing multiple ongoing trials – said the former California prosecutor, Harris, 59, was “stupid.”

“Joe Biden became mentally disabled. Kamala was born that way. She was born that way. And if you think about it, only a mentally disabled person could have allowed this to happen to our country,” he said.

Harris, meanwhile, spent Saturday at a fundraiser in San Francisco, California, where she said Trump was using “the same tired playbook we've been hearing for years.”

“This election is about two very different visions of our nation and we see that contrast throughout the election campaign,” she said.

Trump spoke in Wisconsin, surrounded on stage by large photos of migrants accused of crimes, painting a hellish picture of an America subject to violent attacks – despite a drop this year in illegal border crossings and what the FBI considered a sharp decline in crime in general. , including murder.

“They will come into your kitchen, they will slit your throat,” Trump said of illegal immigrants.

“Small American towns are terrified of migrants arriving, and even when they haven’t arrived, they are terrified,” he said. They will “rape, pillage, rob and kill the people of the United States of America.”

Illegal migrants, whom he called “animals,” will take jobs from minorities and union workers, he added.

Apparently upset by Harris' attempt Friday to deliver a tough message at the Mexican border, Trump insulted the nationally broadcast event and called her a “liar.”

He complained that Fox News, the conservative channel that provided him with a loyal platform throughout his White House career, covered Harris' speech.

“They shouldn’t be allowed to wear it,” he said.

Clearly, Trump was aware that his speech was different from what Americans have been accustomed to during presidential campaigns over the years.

He stopped at one point to say: “Isn't that a wonderful, inspiring speech? I have people sitting in the front row – they say 'oh my God'.”

“It’s dark talk, it’s dark talk,” he said.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)




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