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Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted he considered invading the Netherlands during the pandemic

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted he considered invading the Netherlands during the pandemic
Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted he considered invading the Netherlands during the pandemic


Boris Johnson served as leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2019 to 2022.

Boris Johnson served as leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2019 to 2022.


Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted in his political memoir that he planned to invade the Netherlands through a water-based military attack to take away millions of AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines.

In an extract from his book Unleashed, published by the newspaper Daily Mail Last Friday, the former conservative leader recounted how, after two months of futile negotiations with the European Union (EU) for the release of five million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine stored in a warehouse in Leiden (Netherlands), in March 2021, he summoned the British armed forces to demand action.

Specifically, Johnson's plan involved smuggling the English Channel with inflatable boats, navigating through the Dutch canals until he reached the seized vaccines, and then leaving with an articulated truck, albeit after consulted his advisors, he ultimately abandoned the idea of ​​the plan, given the invasion. from a crazy NATO ally.

According to Johnson in the excerpt, Deputy Chief of Defense Staff Lt. Gen. Doug Chalmers assured that while the plan was certainly feasible, it would not be possible to carry it out without detection by the Dutch authorities.

The aim of the operation was to seize what, in Johnson's own words, legally belonged to the UK and was desperately needed as the EU treated the UK government with malice and resentment.

(The EU) wanted to prevent us from receiving the five million vaccines, but it showed no signs of wanting to use the AstraZeneca doses, Johnson wrote, adding that at the time the European Commission had sparked a legal war with British laboratories, alleging that the company is not fulfilling its contract with European institutions.

Complaints that made no sense to Johnson, as he claimed that the chair of the UK's vaccine task force, Kate Bingham, had signed a bomb-proof contract with AstraZeneca.

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