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Donald Trump escalates attacks on Kamala Harris at Pennsylvania rally, calls her 'mentally defective,' says she should be prosecuted

Donald Trump escalates attacks on Kamala Harris at Pennsylvania rally, calls her 'mentally defective,' says she should be prosecuted
Donald Trump escalates attacks on Kamala Harris at Pennsylvania rally, calls her 'mentally defective,' says she should be prosecuted


ERIE, Pa. — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stepped up his personal attacks on Democratic rival Kamala Harris on Sunday, repeating an insult that she was “mentally defective” while saying she should be “impeached and prosecuted “.

Trump's rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, touched on similar themes to an event the day before that he himself described as a “dark speech.” He told a cheering crowd on Sunday that Harris was responsible for an “invasion” at the U.S.-Mexico border and “she should be impeached and prosecuted for her actions.”

“The crooked Joe Biden has become mentally deficient,” he added. “Sad. But lying Kamala Harris, honestly, I believe she was born that way. There's something wrong with Kamala. And I just don't know what it is, but there's definitely something missing thing. And you know what, everyone knows it.

With just over a month until the election, Trump is stepping up his use of personal and offensive attacks, even as some Republicans say he would be better off sticking to the issues.

His suggestions for prosecuting political enemies are particularly noteworthy because of their departure from American norms in which the justice system is supposed to be shielded from political influence. In recent weeks, Trump has threatened to sue Google for allegedly prioritizing “good stories” over Harris and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Trump has long threatened legal action against his rivals, including President Joe Biden and his 2016 rival, Hillary Clinton. This month, he promised to jail those “involved in unscrupulous behavior” during this election, including election workers, lawyers, political operatives, donors and voters, once again attempting to sow doubt about the integrity of the election.

But he also has many legal problems. He was convicted in May of falsifying business records in a New York hush money case, with sentencing scheduled for Nov. 26. Two other cases are pending: a federal case for his alleged role in the January 6, 2021 insurrection, and a state case in Georgia for his efforts to overturn his 2020 defeat to Biden. Prosecutors are appealing a federal judge's dismissal of a case involving his handling of classified documents.

Trump claims federal and state prosecutors are targeting him for political reasons, although there is no evidence to suggest this is true. If he wins the election, Trump could potentially pardon himself from federal cases or order the Justice Department to end its investigations into him.

On Sunday, he acknowledged that he might lose in November: “If she wins, it won't be so nice for me, but I don't care.”

Trump ridiculed Harris, the first Black woman and person of South Asian descent to lead a major party, calling her “stupid,” “weak,” “dumb as a rock” and “lazy.” His allies have publicly and privately pushed him to instead talk about the economy, immigration and other issues.

“I just think the best course is to pursue the case that his policies are destroying the country,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Sunday on CNN's “State of the Union.” when asked about Trump's comments. “They are crazy liberals.”

Asked whether he approved of personal attacks on Harris, Rep. Tom Emmer, R-Minn., dodged during an interview on ABC's “This Week.”

“I think Kamala Harris is not the right choice for America,” said Emmer, who is helping Trump's running mate JD Vance prepare for Tuesday's vice presidential debate. “I think Kamala Harris is actually as bad or worse than the administration we've seen over the last four years.”

When pressed, Emmer said, “I think we should stick to the problems. The problems are Donald Trump fixed it once. They broke it. He's going to fix it again. These are the problems.”

Former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, running for Senate as a moderate Republican, addressed Trump's false claims that Harris, the daughter of Jamaican and Indian immigrants, had previously downplayed her black heritage. Harris attended Howard University, a historically black institution, and has consistently identified as black and South Asian throughout her political career.

“I already called him out on the one interview where he questioned his racial identity, and now he's questioning his mental competency,” Hogan told CBS' “Face the Nation.” “And I think it's insulting not only to the vice president but also to people who have mental disabilities.”

Harris did not comment on Trump's recent attacks, but said when asked about other comments that it was “the same old show.” The same tired playbook we've been hearing for years, with no plan for how it would meet the needs of the American people.” “.

Before Sunday's rally, some Trump supporters said he often made offensive remarks. They nevertheless support his proposals to restrict immigration and say he would have better control of the economy.

“He says what's on his mind, and again, sometimes the way he says it is not appropriate,” said Jeffrey Balogh, 56, who attended the rally with two friends. “But he did the job. He did it very well.”

Tamara Molnar said she thinks Trump is very strong on immigration. As for his insults, Molnar said: “I think everyone needs to have a certain amount of decorum when talking about other candidates, and I don't think either side is necessarily innocent on This point there is a lot of criticism in both directions.”

At the rally in Erie, Trump said the “invasion” would end and deportations would begin if he took office.

“Thousands of migrants from the most dangerous countries are destroying the character of small towns and plunging local communities into anguish and despair,” he said, referring to communities in the states of Wisconsin, Michigan and of Pennsylvania, which are the scene of conflicts.

Last month, the GOP leader said he was “entitled” to personal attacks against Harris.

“As far as the personal attacks go, I am very angry with her because of what she has done to the country,” he said at a press conference at the time. “I'm very angry with her because she would use the justice system as a weapon against me and other people, very angry with her. I think I'm entitled to personal attacks.”

Long reported in Washington. Associated Press writer Jill Colvin in New York contributed to this report.

Copyright 2024 by Associated Press. All rights reserved.




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