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Top Republicans disavow Trump's attacks on Harris over mentally disabled | US elections 2024

Top Republicans disavow Trump's attacks on Harris over mentally disabled | US elections 2024
Top Republicans disavow Trump's attacks on Harris over mentally disabled | US elections 2024


Senior Republican officials distanced themselves Sunday from comments made by Donald Trump during weekend campaign stops that opponent Kamala Harris was born mentally disabled and had compared her actions to those of a mentally disabled person.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, dismissed Trump's remarks, which were delivered in what Trump himself admitted was a somber speech.

I just think the best path forward is to pursue the case that his policies are destroying the country, Graham said on CNN. I'm not saying she's crazy, her politics are crazy.

Graham's comments come as immigration and border security remain the top domestic issue in Sunday political debates. Trump made the comments at a rally in Wisconsin on Saturday, amid remarks about Harris' actions on these issues as vice president.

Kamala is mentally defective. If a Republican did what he did, he would be impeached and removed from office, and rightly so, for high crimes and misdemeanors, he said.

Trump added: Joe Biden has become mentally deficient. Kamala was born this way. She was born like that. And if you think about it, only a mentally disabled person could have allowed this to happen to our country.

Minnesota Republican Rep. Tom Emmer, a member of JD Vances' debate preparation team, told ABC News: I think we should stick to questions. The problem is that Donald Trump solved it once. They broke it. He will fix it again. These are the problems.

But Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan fired back, telling CBS News that Trump's comments were insulting not only to the vice president, but also to people with mental disabilities.

I've said for years that Trump's divisive rhetoric is something we can do without, Hogan added.

Steven Cheung, the Trump campaign's communications director, did not directly respond to Trump's comments, widely criticized as offensive, but said Harris' record on immigration and border security made her completely unfit to serve as president.

Trump's comments join a long list of personal attacks on opponents that his campaign supporters are eagerly applauding. Democrats have their own reductive articulations, calling Trump and Vance weird.

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But the use of mental disability to describe Harris' abilities has been widely used. Democratic Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker told CNN that Trump's remarks were insults.

Whenever he says things like that, he's talking about himself but trying to project it onto others, Pritzker said. Eric Holder, the former attorney general in the Obama administration, said Trump's comments indicated cognitive decline.

Trump made much of Joe Biden's cognitive abilities, he told MSNBC. If this is where he is now, where will he be in three or four years?

Maria Town, president of the American Association of Persons with Disabilities, pointed out that many presidents have disabilities.

Town said in a statement to the Washington Post that Trump's comments said far more about him and his inaccurate and hateful biases against people with disabilities than they did about Vice President Harris or any person with a disability.




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