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Jokowi says IKN project was approved by the people, Greenpeace: just political statements

Jokowi says IKN project was approved by the people, Greenpeace: just political statements
Jokowi says IKN project was approved by the people, Greenpeace: just political statements


TEMPO.CO, JakartaPresident Joko Widodo or Jokowi recently claimed that the capital Nusantara (IKN) the project garnered widespread approval from the Indonesian people through their elected representatives in the House of Representatives (DPR). He stressed that this initiative is not only a presidential decision. However, a Greenpeace Indonesia activist dismissed the claim, calling it a mere political statement.

“This is just a political statement. Just because the DPR approved the project does not equate to its automatic approval by the people,” said Greenpeace Indonesia Forest Campaign Team Leader Arie Rompas in a telephone interview on Sunday, September 29 .

The President made this statement during a speech at the Baznas 2024 National Coordination Meeting, held at the IKN State Palace on September 25, 2024.

Arie explained that Greenpeace Indonesia, an environmental civil society organization, had not participated in any discussions with the government regarding the megaproject before its launch. The organization joined a coalition opposing the construction of the new capital on ecological, economic and social grounds after the project began in Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan.

The People's Coalition for Land (Titura) had previously organized a protest against the IKN project in solidarity with the people of East Kalimantan on August 17, 2024, coinciding with Indonesia's Independence Day. However, dozens of protesters were arrested by police after unfurling a large banner reading “Indonesia is not for sale” at the Galang Island Bridge in Penajam Paser Utara.

Arie asserted that the IKN project has always been Jokowi's personal effort, designed to serve his interests. He accused the president of exploiting his political power to expedite the passage of IKN-related regulations through the House of Representatives.

Last year, the majority of DPR members approved the amendment to Law Number 3 of 2022 regarding the state capital, with only two factions expressing reservations or outright rejection. The Democratic Party faction noted some shortcomings in the revised law, while the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) fiercely opposed its ratification.

“Despite political opposition to this project, Jokowi's consolidation of power within the DPR enabled its adoption,” Arie observed.

Observers have already considered the IKN project a monumental undertaking that could place a significant burden on the state budget. Environmental activists have also repeatedly expressed concerns about potential ecological impacts and land displacement associated with development.

Greenpeace Indonesia has documented the IKN project's adverse effects on biodiversity, including the clearing of more than four hectares of mangrove forest in the upper Balikpapan Bay. The organization's records indicate that even before the development of IKN, the island of Kalimantan faced environmental degradation.

“Collusion between the government and palm oil and paper conglomerates was the main driver of the deforestation of 15 million hectares and the appropriation of indigenous and local lands,” as stated by Greenpeace Indonesia on August 17, 2024.


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