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Xi: move forward to build a strong nation

Xi: move forward to build a strong nation
Xi: move forward to build a strong nation


President Xi Jinping and recipients of national medals and national honorary titles arrive at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Sunday for an awards ceremony. (YAN YAN/XINHUA)

President Xi Jinping paid high tribute to heroes and role models at a medal ceremony on Sunday, calling on the entire country to look up to heroes and move forward in unity to build a strong nation.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the presentation to recipients of national medals as well as recipients of national honorary titles, the nation's highest honors.

The ceremony took place on Sunday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, two days before the People's Republic of China celebrates the 75th anniversary of its founding on Tuesday.

“A great era calls for heroes and breeds heroes. When heroes emerge in large numbers, the Party and the people's cause will prosper and endure,” he told an audience of about 1,000 people, including former winners of national honors, senior civil servants. , students and the military.

Among those honored Sunday were Huang Zongde, recipient of the Republic Medal and veteran of the Chinese Revolutionary Wars, and Dilma Rousseff, recipient of the Friendship Medal and former president of Brazil.

In his speech, Xi said the CPC has united and led people of all ethnic groups to achieve two remarkable milestones: rapid economic development and long-term social stability over the past 75 years.

“This transformation has fundamentally reshaped our great nation, putting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on an irreversible historical trajectory,” he said.

The President saluted the heroes whose dedication and perseverance contributed significantly to these milestones, noting that their stories will be remembered in the annals of PRC history.

Xi called on the entire nation to nurture its aspirations for a strong country, prioritizing national prosperity and people's happiness.

“With a patriotic spirit and a commitment to serving the country, we must integrate our individual goals with the broader national mission, realizing our personal worth and enhancing our lives through dedication to our nation and service to its people .”

He encouraged the people to hone their expertise to strengthen the national strength, emphasizing the need to acquire new knowledge, master new skills and develop real skills in response to the new demands of the times.

Furthermore, Xi called on the people to boldly contribute to national progress. “With a sense of urgency and commitment to accountability, we must pursue excellence and refine our efforts, achieving extraordinary results in ordinary positions.”

He stressed the need to continue to make new progress to meet development challenges, overcome obstacles to reforms and maintain social harmony and stability.

He also paid tribute to China's steadfast friends who have shared happiness and misfortune with the Chinese people over the past 75 years, saying that the Chinese people will never forget those who have made outstanding contributions to the development of China. China and fostered friendships between the Chinese people and its people. counterparts around the world.

“We pledge to join people around the world to maintain peace, promote mutual development, work to build a community with a shared future for humanity and create a better future for all,” he said. underlines.

Huang, the veteran, who was helped from a wheelchair to speak at the podium on Sunday, could barely hide his pride in a speech at the ceremony.

“There are countless heroes who sacrificed their precious lives for national independence, people's liberation and prosperity of the country. They are the real heroes. Today, this noble honor also belongs to them,” he said. he declared with emotion.

Wang Meng, one of China's most revered literary figures and winner of the People's Artist Medal in 2019, said the awarding of the medals at this critical historical moment would help boost the nation's morale and would enable greater progress in the development of various sectors. move forward.

(Web Editor: Tian Yi, Xian Jiangnan)




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