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Netflix disagrees with Prince Harry over his polo show, report says

Netflix disagrees with Prince Harry over his polo show, report says


Nacho is the star of Harry's polo parade

Prince Harry doing a show for Netflix about himself playing polo always seemed like a curious idea. Isn't Harry and his wife Meghan Markle's long-term goal to encourage us to identify with them? And wouldn't a film about playing polo, a famously expensive sport requiring access to several expensive ponies, just confirm suspicions that they live fabulous, millionaire lives while the rest of us struggle to pay the dog's vet bills, let alone maintain a stable of stallions?

Well, it now appears that, according to a report from the Daily Mailthe polo movie isn't about Harry at all. Her star is in fact her boyfriend, the handsome Argentine polo player Nacho Figueras.

The polo industry's efforts to promote Figueras as a figurehead date back decades. It's hard to find a long-time magazine writer who hasn't been offered an interview with him and, although he has a large following on Instagram, it's fair to say that he hasn't really broke through to the general public. .

Needless to say, this news that Prince Harry's polo movie doesn't feature much of Prince Harry would have been greeted by Netflix with as much enthusiasm as a bunch of poor, poorly dressed people wouldn't be welcome at polo in the Hamptons.

The series, titled Polo and due out later this year, has been dubbed the Nacho Show by insiders at the streaming giant.

Dr Sophie Chandauka MBE, President of Sentebale, Nacho Figueras, Ambassador of Sentebale, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Co-Founder of Sentebale and Dan Carter at the Sentebale ISPS Handa Polo Cup on 12 August 2023.

Dr Sophie Chandauka MBE, President of Sentebale, Nacho Figueras, Ambassador of Sentebale, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, co-founder of Sentebale and Dan Carter, ISPS Handa Ambassador and former All Blacks rugby player at the Sentebale ISPS Handa Polo Cup on August 12, 2023 in Singapore.

Matt Jelonek/Getty Images for Sentebale

A source told Daily Mail: Any reasonable person watching a show about polo made by Prince Harry would expect Harry to play the lead role. That this is not the case is extremely disappointing for Netflix. Let's be real, polo isn't exactly a mainstream sport, so the attraction would have been watching Harry. Without it, it's marginal at best. The Netflix deal expires next year, so the Sussexes need a big hit. It looks like a big burger with nothing.

Another insider said: For a show about a sport of kings, polo features almost no royalty. It's not the Harry show, it's the Nacho show.

A source reportedly said: It's nice of Harry to oblige his partner, but Nacho speaks broken English and is simply not popular enough to attract audiences.

Has the eagle landed?

All eyes are on Heathrow Airport and the luxury London hotels Harry is known to favor today, with the prince set to deliver the keynote speech at tomorrow's WellChild Awards.

As The Royalist writes in a guest article in Today's London Sunday hoursThe appearance offers Harry the chance to revisit Harry's brilliant speech last week at the Clinton Foundation about the harm social media can inflict on children, after Harry and Meghan pulled off the rare feat of eclipse with this story in Us every week saying what brilliant bosses they were, according to the staff, including, uh, their PR manager.

Taking the stage for the WellChild Awards isn't quite the same as being a keynote speaker at the Clinton Foundation. But that will have to do for now.

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, walks past the Rolls building at the High Court in London, Britain, June 7, 2023.

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, walks past the Rolls building at the High Court in London, Britain, June 7, 2023.

Hannah McKay/Reuters/File photo

Perhaps more important to Harry, however, will be whether his father, King Charles, will agree to see him during his stay in his homeland.

Neither side has said whether a meeting is planned, but all indications so far are that this is not the case. The king is in Scotland, gathering his forces for an upcoming trip to Australia, and is said to be reluctant to meet Harry for fear his son could land him in constitutional difficulties by asking him to intervene in his ongoing battle to get the same high level of security. he enjoyed as a reinstated working royal for himself and his family. Camilla, her friends told The Daily Beast, is keen that Charles not be unnecessarily stressed and encourage a reunion.

But if Harry really wants to be taken seriously as a major player in the philanthropic world, he'll need to reach some sort of settlement with his family, not least because many high-profile humanitarian organizations will be reluctant to partner with an individual at war . with the British royal family for fear of alienating them.

There can be no meaningful rehabilitation without reconciliation, as Sunday time The article is clear, and Harry's father's cancer diagnosis means this task must take priority.

Boris bounces back

The fiery former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson published extracts from his memoirs these weeks. Daily Mail. One of the many crazy revelations is that he tried at the last minute to stop Harry from leaving the royal family.

Johnson says he gave Harry a manly pep talk to try to persuade him not to go.

It was a completely hopeless undertaking and Harry jumped aboard his famous freedom flight the next day. Buckingham Palace later denied asking Johnson to intervene. Johnson described his reluctant efforts as a ridiculous affair.

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is applauded as he arrives to speak during a Conservative general election campaign in London, Britain, July 2, 2024.

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is applauded as he arrives to speak during a Conservative general election campaign in London, Britain, July 2, 2024.

Hollie Adams/Reuters

Johnson also describes what looks like a fabulous late-night barbecue with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip at Balmoral, which began with being driven at full speed by the late queen, then aged 93, on moonlit tracks in the moors.

He describes watching the queen go about making her special dressing and arranging the picnic items in their Tupperware boxes.

Eventually we were summoned outside, where a torchlight procession of bagpipers had appeared. I will never forget the sparks of the torches flying into the night sky and Her Majesty looking intently at her piper, beaming and tapping time with her foot.

Boris too tell his last meeting with the Queen as they discussed, among other things, magpies, after Boris admitted that he thought seeing just one was bad luck.

She told Boris: If you see a single magpie, just say: Hello Mr Magpie, today is Monday March 12th, or whatever the date is. This solves the problem.

This week in royal history

This is the week it all started. On September 29, 1066, William the Conqueror landed in Hastings. Still 42 years until the big 1,000th, friends.

Unanswered questions

Will Harry meet Charles during his stay in the UK?




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