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Luhut meets Biden, tells aide Hochstein government transition will go well

Luhut meets Biden, tells aide Hochstein government transition will go well
Luhut meets Biden, tells aide Hochstein government transition will go well


Jakarta. Minister of State Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan on Monday revealed more details about his recent visit to New York, which included an impromptu meeting with US President Joe Biden.

Luhut recently traveled to New York to attend, among other things, the Bloomberg Global Business Forum. On the sidelines of the conference, Bloomberg co-founder Michael Bloomberg introduced Luhut to Biden. In a social media post, Luhut said he was surprised that Biden remembered him from a previous phone call with President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo.

“I didn't expect him to [Biden] still remembers me. We spoke once on the phone – with President Jokowi,” Luhut said.

Indonesia's investment affairs czar didn't say much about Biden's meeting, or whether the impromptu meeting was successful in addressing any issues. However, Luhut said he later met with Biden aide Amos Hochstein at the White House in a meeting in which Indonesia's government transition was discussed. Luhut told Hotschein that there was no reason to worry regarding the transfer of power from Jokowi to Prabowo.

“We discussed a lot about the upcoming government transition in Indonesia. I said [Hochstein] that the transition would go very well because both [Jokowi and Prabowo] really know each other. They also support each other in their programs,” Luhut said.

Luhut said he also told Hochstein that Prabowo — who is expected to take office on Oct. 20 — would adopt a similar foreign policy style. Back when he was still running for office, Prabowo said he wanted to adopt what he called a “good neighbor policy” in his international interactions. In other words, Prabowo intends to maintain good ties with everyone, saying that making a thousand friends is not enough and that having “one enemy is too many”.

As his inauguration approaches, Prabowo has also been very active in making international trips to meet with world leaders. However, he has yet to visit Biden at the White House, although the two spoke on the phone in March. Biden congratulated Prabowo at the time on his electoral triumph.

“The foreign policy of the next president-elect will be as friendly as that of the previous administration. We saw how the president-elect [Prabowo] visited a number of neighboring countries,” Luhut said.

The United States is also set to see a change in presidency today as Biden's vice president, Kamala Harris, faces off against former President Donald Trump for the top job in the House. White House. Minister of National Development Planning Suharso Monoarfa recently revealed that Indonesia is closely monitoring the US government's performance, especially from an economic policy perspective.

Last year, Indonesia and the United States agreed to strengthen their ties into a comprehensive strategic partnership.

The United States is also a major foreign investor in the country. The government reported that U.S. investors invested approximately $2 billion in Indonesia during the first half of 2024. This made Indonesia Indonesia's fourth largest source of foreign direct investment (FDI) during this period. period. Trade between Indonesia and the United States also reached nearly $21.2 billion between January and July 2024. Indonesia enjoyed a surplus of $7.5 billion in its trade with United States, according to the data.

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