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Trump steps up his campaign pace as Election Day approaches

Trump steps up his campaign pace as Election Day approaches
Trump steps up his campaign pace as Election Day approaches


Former President Donald Trump is finally preparing for an all-out sprint in his attempt to win back the White House.

Trump, caught off guard when Democrats switched sides this summer, has held 26 campaign events this month, most of them rallies more than the 21 he attended in June and July combined, according to an analysis of his program by NBC News. The rise began in August, when he organized 19 events.

While it is traditional for campaigns to gain momentum after Labor Day, some Republicans fear that Trump will let Democratic candidate Vice President Kamala Harris gain an advantage over him when she invades the country in August after succeeding President Joe Biden in the presidential race. at the top of his party ticket. Today, Trump is racing against Harris and against time.

They're doubling down because they know they got screwed with that 100-day window, said Ford O'Connell, a Republican strategist. Basically, you're fighting for a few inches on the electoral map. No one knows exactly what will make one campaign over the other in the end.

Similar advances in campaigning toward the end of summer were also evident in Trump's 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns.

For allies who had complained about a slow start this summer, Trump's brisk pace answers nagging questions about whether the campaign was ready to take the fight to Harris after knocking Biden out of the race. What's also keeping Trump supporters looking at the possibility of a November victory are polls showing Trump on a stronger trajectory after Harris quickly set fundraising records and erased her advantage among voters .

Trump held two rallies this weekend, in the key states of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. In both instances, he launched increasingly personal attacks against Harris, baselessly questioning her sanity and calling her mentally defective. At the rally in Pennsylvania, he called for Harris to be impeached and prosecuted for her policies regarding the U.S.-Mexico border.

Trump himself is leading the campaign for more events, a campaign official said, saying Trump was supposed to have a slow Sunday but instead insisted: “We have to do something, this which will lead to the rally in Erie, Pennsylvania.

In the coming days, Trump will have several high-profile events. On Monday, he will travel to the battleground state of Georgia, hit hard by Hurricane Helene. Travel by politicians to storm-ravaged areas is always a risk, with the risk that such high-profile visits could strain the resources of communities still trying to recover. Neither Biden nor Harris traveled to the region following the storm.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, a Republican, will not appear at the Trump event on Monday, an aide told NBC News.

On Saturday, Trump plans to return to Butler, Pennsylvania, to hold an event at the site where he was shot and killed in a July 13 assassination attempt.

For Trump, frequent campaigning is not without challenges, with both candidates enjoying unprecedented levels of security following two assassination attempts on Trump.

The Trump campaign had wanted to hold an outdoor rally in Wisconsin on Saturday, but was told by Secret Service officials that they would not have access to the manpower and resources needed to hold an outdoor rally. air in the airport while the United Nations General Assembly was meeting in New York. , according to senior Secret Service officials and an official familiar with the planning.

On Saturday, Trump estimated he would have had as many as 50,000 people at his rally in Prairie Du Chien, Wisconsin, if he had been allowed to hold it outdoors.

Looking ahead to the final month before Election Day, the Trump campaign is planning two to three rallies per week, a few small policy-focused events, retail stops at local stores and town hall meetings hosted by campaign proxies , a Trump campaign official familiar with the planning said.

No one in the political game works harder than President Trump, especially in the fourth quarter, Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a statement to NBC News. President Trump and Senator Vance will continue to outpace Harris and Walz in the media and deliver their winning message to voters across the country to make America rich, safe and strong again.




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