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On overtime pay, Trump makes a mistake by accidentally telling the truth

On overtime pay, Trump makes a mistake by accidentally telling the truth
On overtime pay, Trump makes a mistake by accidentally telling the truth


Five of the most interesting words in Donald Trump's rhetorical repertoire are, I shouldn't say this, but… While it's obviously impossible to read the former president's mind, every time the Republican uses this expression, it's an apparent acknowledgment that he knows the rest of the sentence will be politically problematic, but he is simply unable to stop himself.

For example, at the end of his first year in the White House, Trump said, “I shouldn't say this, but we basically repealed Obamacare.” Of course he was lying, but his comments reminded her of his anti-health care views. About a year later, while campaigning in Montana, the then-president publicly praised Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte for physically assaulting a reporter who asked a question the governor didn't like.

I shouldn't say that [but] “There's nothing to be embarrassed about,” Trump said in reference to the violence.

Six years later, the Republican still stumbles into moments of inadvertent candor. HuffPost reports:

Former president and current Republican Party nominee Donald Trump admitted Sunday that he hates paying his staff overtime and would instead replace them with other workers to avoid doing so. Trump's confession came at a campaign rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, after he promised to deliver massive tax cuts through his promise to end taxes on tips, overtime and wages. social security benefits for the elderly.

I know a lot about overtime, the Republican candidate boasted. I hated working overtime. I hated it. I would bring other people, I shouldn't say this, but I would bring other people. I wouldn't pay.

The public comments stood out for several reasons.

From the outset, some political observers still like to pretend that the former president is some kind of ally of the American working class. It was in this context that Trump thought it would be a good idea to admit that as a boss he had deliberately taken steps to deny his own employees the overtime compensation they were entitled to.

Plus, let's not forget that the Republican Party nominee recently endorsed eliminating overtime taxes, to bolster his ostensible populist bona fides. But this ploy only served as a reminder that Trump, when in office, was unnecessarily regressive on overtime pay. His “I wouldn’t pay” comment only reinforced the obvious fact that his fake populism is a sham.

But just as remarkably, various analysts have explained that the far-right Project 2025 agenda, written largely by members of Trump's team, would also limit workers' access to overtime compensation.

With all of this in mind, Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign wasted no time in going after the Republican for accidentally expressing her opinion.

Donald Trump is finally admitting it: He has built his entire career on making fun of working people, Harris-Walz spokeswoman Sarafina Chitika said in a written statement. That's exactly what he did in the White House by trying to wrest tips and overtime pay from millions of workers, and that's exactly what he plans to do in his second term. Trump is a scab, plain and simple. He is selling snake oil lies in a desperate attempt to deceive voters. He cannot be trusted, the workers know it and the voters know it. They will elect a champion who will support them by voting for Vice President Harris this November.




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