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Donald Trump blames Joe Biden admin for 'small' crowd size at rally

Donald Trump blames Joe Biden admin for 'small' crowd size at rally
Donald Trump blames Joe Biden admin for 'small' crowd size at rally


Former President Donald Trump blamed the White House after his rally in Wisconsin was moved to a smaller venue Saturday.

Speaking at a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, on Sunday, Trump said the administration was “not going to let us” 50,000 people attend an outdoor rally in Wisconsin the day before.

Trump was originally scheduled to attend a larger outdoor rally at a Wisconsin airport on Saturday. The gathering was moved to an arts center in Prairie du Chien because the Secret Service did not have the personnel to secure the venue, as the United Nations did. [U.N.] The General Assembly meeting was taking place in New York, NBC News and CBS News reported.

“We were in Wisconsin yesterday, and other than the administration wouldn't let us, we had 50,000 people, maybe more, and we were going to have an outdoor rally, and we ended up by having to do it indoors, in front of about a thousand people,” Trump said.

“But they didn't want me out. They said they couldn't send us enough people because they were guarding the United Nations and Iran.”

Trump has reportedly scaled back hosting large outdoor gatherings for safety reasons following the assassination attempt on him at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13. The Secret Service has been criticized for security lapses that allowed gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks to climb onto a roof and open fire on the former president.

Former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally September 29, 2024 in Erie, Pennsylvania. Trump said the Biden administration was responsible for moving his Wisconsin rally indoors. Former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally September 29, 2024 in Erie, Pennsylvania. Trump said the Biden administration was responsible for moving his Wisconsin rally indoors. Jeff Swensen/Getty Images

Trump previously blamed the Wisconsin venue change on his 2024 election rival, Vice President Kamala Harris.

“Kamala would not allow protection to deal with this mob,” Trump posted on Truth Social on Saturday while sharing an image purporting to show his supporters in the key state. “So rather than having 50,000 in a field, we use a small arena, but she's not going to stop us, and everyone knows, she doesn't have what it takes!”

The Erie rally also took place inside the Bayfront Convention Center. Trump has long cited the scale of his rallies as evidence of his popularity, sometimes exaggerating the number of thousands who have attended.

Newsweek has reached out to the Secret Service and the Biden administration for comment via email.

Trump added at his rally in Erie that “Iran is threatening my life and they are keeping the Iranian president,” at the UN General Assembly.

Trump's campaign recently said it was briefed by intelligence officials on Iran's “real and specific threats” to assassinate the former president.

At the rally in Erie, Trump also criticized President Joe Biden after he “said nothing” regarding alleged assassination plans from Iran.

Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian delivered a speech at the United Nations General Assembly's annual gathering of world leaders on September 24. Biden delivered his speech at the UN the same day.

An anonymous Secret Service official briefed on the gathering in Wisconsin told CBS News and Axios that the agency “has never been configured to provide such a high level of protection to a growing number of protected individuals.”

The Secret Service provides protection for Biden, former presidents, vice presidents, presidential and vice presidential candidates, and their families.

“Our personnel and equipment are stretched to their limits to maintain the current operational tempo,” the official said.

“This proposed event in Wisconsin also took place during the United Nations General Assembly, where the Secret Service is responsible for the safety and security of more than 140 world leaders amid a challenged global threat.”

Anthony Guglielmi, the Secret Service's communications chief, told Axios that Trump “benefits from increased levels of protection from the United States Secret Service and our top priority is to mitigate risks to ensure his continued security at all times.”

“Out of concern for operational security, we cannot provide specific details on resources allocated to event security or communications between agency personnel and our protégés,” Guglielmi added.




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