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Donald Trump accuses Philadelphia of election cheating during a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania.

Donald Trump accuses Philadelphia of election cheating during a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania.
Donald Trump accuses Philadelphia of election cheating during a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania.


ERIE, Pa. — With less than 40 days until the November election, former President Donald Trump continues to escalate his personal attacks against Kamala Harris, calling for the vice president to be “impeached and prosecuted.”

Throughout his campaign speech in Erie, Pennsylvania, on Sunday, Trump said Harris should be disqualified from running for president, resign from office and be investigated at the highest levels.

“She should be disqualified. She should resign the vice presidency and go home to California,” Trump told the cheering crowd as he discussed the “invasion” at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The gathering marked his fourth visit to the state this month.

While criticizing the Biden-Harris administration's immigration policies, Trump baselessly called for the vice president's impeachment. He now faces criticism from Democrats and fellow Republicans for calling his opponent Harris mentally retarded at the rally.

RELATED: Trump escalates attacks on Harris, calls her 'mentally defective,' and suggests she should be prosecuted

“She should be indicted and prosecuted for her actions,” he said.

During the rally, he also touted his economic plans and promised mass deportations if he returned to the White House.

He also revived false claims of voter fraud, which he first made in 2020. He accused urban Democratic cities, including Philadelphia, of election cheating.

Trump has a long history of threatening legal action against political rivals, including President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, in the run-up to the 2016 election.

Now, as he faces his own legal battles, the former president is once again calling for investigations into his new opponent, Vice President Harris, over policies he disagrees with. agreement, trying to blame him for the deaths of people killed by undocumented immigrants.

Harris traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday, her first trip there in more than three years.

Delivering a speech in Douglas, Ariz., a border town in the critical battleground state, Harris called for tougher security measures and criticized Trump for his role earlier this year in rejecting a proposed bipartisan law that was the result of months of negotiations.

Harris' trip and Trump's continued comments about border security come as immigration continues to be a top issue for many voters as the election approaches.

A recent ABC News/Ipsos poll found that 70 percent of respondents considered immigration at the southern border an “important” issue to them, and Trump led Harris by 10 points on who voters thought was the best placed to handle this issue.

However, as his Republican allies push Trump to focus on issues rather than attacking Harris, Trump's rhetoric has become more extreme in recent days.

Trump's personal attacks on Harris on Sunday echoed similar remarks at his Saturday rally, where he called the vice president “mentally disabled.”

“Crooked Joe has become mentally deficient. Sad. But lying Kamala Harris, honestly, I believe she was born that way. There's something wrong with Kamala, and I just don't know what it is is, but there's definitely something missing,” Trump said. said.

Majority Whip Tom Emmer, who is helping Sen. J.D. Vance debate preparations for the vice presidential debate, stopped short of rebuking Trump's comments when pressed by Martha Raddatz to ABC News; however, he ultimately conceded: “I think we should stick to the issues.” »




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