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Donald Trump suggests 'hard hour' of policing will end theft

Donald Trump suggests 'hard hour' of policing will end theft


COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) Donald Trump suggested that a tough hour of law enforcement action would reduce retail thefts, an echo of his long-standing support for more aggressive and potentially violent policing.

A difficult hour and I mean very difficult, word will spread and it will end immediately, you know? It will end immediately, Trump said Sunday in Erie, Pennsylvania.

Trump has ramped up his rhetoric with just over a month until Election Day, portraying illegal immigrants in the United States as criminals bent on harming native-born Americans and suggesting crime has skyrocketed despite the statistics nationals showing the opposite. The former president has long encouraged mistreatment of people in police custody and says law enforcement should be exempt from potential punishment.

Three weeks ago, while the Fraternal Order of Police supported him at an event in Charlotte, North Carolina, Trump pledged unwavering support for police, including increased use of force: We we must return to power and respect.

At his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, Trump in August linked the suggestion of increased law enforcement activity to the deportation of immigrants. He advocated for ensuring that officers have immunity from prosecution because, frankly, our police officers are treated horribly. They are not allowed to do their job.

Trump was president during the racial justice protests that erupted in the summer of 2020 following the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. He posted during the protests: When the looting starts, the shooting starts. At the time, he signed an executive order encouraging better policing practices, but some criticized the executive order for failing to recognize what they see as systemic racial bias in policing.

During a speech in New York in 2017, the then-president appeared to advocate harsher treatment of those taken into custody, speaking with disdain about the police practice of protecting the heads of handcuffed suspects while They are placed in patrol cars. In response, the Suffolk County Police Department said it has strict rules and procedures for how prisoners should be treated, with violations treated with the utmost seriousness.

On Sunday in Pennsylvania, the former president and current Republican presidential candidate discussed a measure approved by California voters when his Democratic rival, Vice President Kamala Harris, was state attorney general. Trump claimed the provision that makes merchandise theft at the same or lower level a misdemeanor rather than a felony allows shoplifting up to $950 worth of merchandise without consequences.

Asked whether his comments on Sunday constituted a policy proposal, Trump's campaign said he has always been the law and order president and continues to reiterate the importance of making enforce existing laws. Spokesman Steven Cheung later warned of total anarchy if Harris was elected, citing her tenure as California's top prosecutor.

The Harris campaign did not immediately return a message seeking comment on Trump's remarks. Democrats have long noted that dozens of police officers were injured on Jan. 6, 2021, when a mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to overturn his defeat to now-President Joe Biden.


Meg Kinnard reported from Columbia, South Carolina, and can be reached at




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