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Former President Donald Trump visits Helene in Valdosta

Former President Donald Trump visits Helene in Valdosta
Former President Donald Trump visits Helene in Valdosta


VALDOSTA, Ga. (WCTV) – Former President Donald Trump called for stronger federal support for recovery efforts Monday during a visit to Valdosta.

Helen ravaged the South Georgia town last week, knocking out power to tens of thousands of people and destroying many homes and businesses.

At the start of his speech, Trump called for a moment of silence for those who died as a result of the storm. On Monday morning, Helene became the third deadliest storm to hit the United States in half a century.

The Republican presidential candidate said he was putting politics aside during his visit to focus on disaster response efforts.

When a crisis breaks out, when our fellow citizens scream, all that no longer matters, he said.

He thanked Samaritans Purse volunteers for their work to help the area recover. He also thanked first responders, nurses and local leaders for their service during the natural disaster.

We get involved, we persevere, we get through it, the former president said.

Trump spoke in front of the destroyed Chez What furniture store in Hélène. You can watch his speech again here:

According to a press release from the former president's campaign, while in Valdosta, Trump planned to receive a briefing on the devastation of Hurricane Helen, facilitate the distribution of relief supplies and deliver a speech to the press.

Despite his previous remarks about avoiding politics, the former president lashed out at his Democratic presidential opponent, alleging that Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp received no response after calling the president Joe Biden several times.

On the other hand, the former president touted his dedication to the region. He pledged to contribute to reconstruction efforts and expressed particular concern for farmers whose crops and land were destroyed by the storm.

I always support our great farmers and agricultural communities, Trump said.

As the Republican candidate shook hands after his speech, some members of the crowd began chanting USA, USA.

Trump visited Valdosta during his last presidential campaign. Most recently, Trump's running mate JD Vance stopped in Valdosta to speak with voters outside the Lowndes County Sheriff's Office.

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