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The Pertamina Indonesia Grand Prix was a success, President Joko Widodo presented the trophy to Jorge Martin who won the main podium

The Pertamina Indonesia Grand Prix was a success, President Joko Widodo presented the trophy to Jorge Martin who won the main podium
The Pertamina Indonesia Grand Prix was a success, President Joko Widodo presented the trophy to Jorge Martin who won the main podium The culmination of the 2024 Pertamina Indonesian Grand Prix event was successfully held on Sunday, September 29, 2024 at the Pertamina Mandalika International Circuit, located in Mandalika Region, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. This event includes matches in the Moto3, Moto2 and MotoGP categories, as well as the Asia Talent Cup, which is the pride of racing fans in Indonesia.

The success of this implementation cannot be separated from the strong collaboration between InJourney, ITDC and MGPA, which successfully attracted support from various partners and stakeholders. It is no surprise that the 2024 Indonesian GP has received great attention from the government, as evidenced by the presence of Indonesian President Joko Widodo and his ministers at the event.

President Joko Widodo, accompanied by Minister of State Affairs Erick Thohir and Minister of Youth and Sports Dito Ariotedjo, attended the opening ceremony which was hosted by 250 talents and sang the Indonesian national anthem Raya. After the opening ceremony, the President presented the trophy to the winner of the MotoGPTM category, Jorge Martin of Prima Pramac Racing, who performed breathtakingly and left his competitors behind from the start of the race. Pedro Acosta of Red Bull GasGas Tech3 took second place, while Francesco Bagnaia of Ducati Lenovo took third place on the podium. The presence of tens of thousands of spectators on the circuit creates a festive and enthusiastic atmosphere, adding to the excitement of this automobile event.

In the Moto3 category, rider David Alonso of CFMoto Gaviota Aspra Team managed to reach the main podium, followed by Adrian Fernandez of Leopard Racing in second place and David Munoz of BOE Motorsports who followed in third place. For his part, in the Moto2 category, Aron Canet of Fantic Racing produced an impressive performance, dominating the race from the start. In second place, Japanese rider Ai Ogura of MT Helmets MSI managed to overcome the resistance of Alonso Lopez of Beta Tools Speed ​​​​Up, thus preparing the steps towards his career in MotoGPTM next year.

President of the Pertamina Indonesian Grand Prix (MotoGPTM) 2024 Troy Warokka said that the arrival of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo with the Minister of State Enterprises and the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) shows that the government sees the Pertamina Indonesia Grand Prix as an important event in promoting Lombok, Indonesia as a world-class tourism destination. The presence of thousands of spectators also illustrates the great commitment and impact felt by the community, particularly in the tourism sector. It is not only a racing event, but also contributes significantly to local economic growth and improves Indonesia's image internationally.

MotoGPTM 2024 Vice President Priandhi Satria added that the support of all parties from the central government, ministries, NTB regional government, security forces and everyone involved contributed to the smooth running of the Grand Prix Pertamina from Indonesia. Thank you to the sponsors who collaborated to present creative programs for this year's implementation. Let us hope that this collaboration continues to jointly develop the community's economy.

On the day, selected spectators had the opportunity to see for themselves the activities of the MotoGP™ racing teams in the paddock through a pitwalk session, which allowed them to interact directly with the riders. The Hero Walk event also adds to the excitement, giving fans the opportunity to get photos and autographs from the riders.

The public's enthusiasm for watching the 2024 Indonesia GP has been visible since Saturday, September 27, 2024, when 121,252 spectators were recorded at the Pertamina Mandalika International Circuit during the 3 days of the event. In addition to enjoying the Sprint race won by Francesco Bagnaia, the public was also able to enjoy the performances of the best musicians. Geisha, ADA Band and legendary group Slank filled the entertainment stage at the “Pertamina Energizing You Festival”, which attracted tens of thousands of spectators. This festival not only features various musical performances, but also various micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) stalls offering local products, food and drinks to crafts, creating a lively atmosphere and supporting the local economy.

The large number of spectators at the 2024 Pertamina Indonesia Grand Prix is ​​an important opportunity for the BIS and ITDC to campaign to raise awareness about reducing the use of plastics to support sustainable development. In order to innovate in the organization of events, ITDC has implemented a policy to reduce single-use plastic, in collaboration with the Indonesian Plastic Diet. This policy begins in the BRI Lounge area, where reuse protocols are implemented. This protocol requires the use of reusable eating and drinking utensils and prohibits visitors from bringing single-use plastic into the room. This initiative not only helps protect the environment but also raises public awareness about the importance of sustainable practices.

The implementation of the reuse protocol during the 2024 Pertamina Indonesia Grand Prix is ​​part of the ITDC “Journey to Green Tourism Mandalika” program currently being implemented. Apart from this, Diet Plastik Indonesia also conducted a survey to examine visitor behavior regarding waste management at the Mandalika MotoGP™ event. The results of this investigation will serve as a basis for preparing recommendations for more responsible waste management.

The Pertamina Grand Prix Indonesia 2024 event is supported by various parties including Pertamina, Wonderful Indonesia, Bank Mandiri, Bank BRI, Bank BTN, Jasa Raharja, BSI, Garuda Indonesia, Citilink, AHM, Coca-Cola, Mayora, Hydro Coco, Extra. Joss, Unilever Walls, Red Bull, IAS/APLog, KFC and JPX Helmet.

In conclusion, Sunday's 2024 Indonesia GP event will be marked by the appearance of GIGI Band, Ghea Youbi and DJ Yasmin on the entertainment stage, adding to the excitement of this event.

With great enthusiasm from the public, sponsors and government support, the Pertamina Indonesia Grand Prix 2024 proves that Indonesia can be a competent host for international events. We hope that this year's success will provide a solid foundation for better implementation in the years to come. With stronger and stronger collaboration and innovation, we hope that this event can continue to grow, not only in terms of spectator numbers and scale of the event, but also to provide a lasting multiplier effect. “We hope that the Pertamina Indonesia Grand Prix will become an annual program that will attract more and more world attention and strengthen the position of Mandalika SEZ as the ultimate lifestyle sports entertainment destination in the eyes of the world. world,” Troy concluded. Tim




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