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Top 10 world news: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks to Netanyahu; Updates on the West Asia crisis, and more

Top 10 world news: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks to Netanyahu; Updates on the West Asia crisis, and more
Top 10 world news: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks to Netanyahu; Updates on the West Asia crisis, and more


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke by telephone with his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday (September 30) and discussed the conflict raging in West Asia. Furthermore, during the Austrian legislative elections, a party considered friendly to Russian leader Vladimir Putin recorded an unprecedented victory. The Freedom Party (FPO) came out on top on Sunday (September 29) with a vote share of 29.2 percent, the highest.

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Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke by telephone with his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday (September 30) and discussed the conflict raging in West Asia.


Gaza-based militant group Hamas said on Monday (September 30) that one of its top leaders in Lebanon was killed in a strike in the south of the country earlier in the day.


In the Austrian parliamentary elections, a party considered friendly to Russian leader Vladimir Putin recorded an unprecedented victory. The Freedom Party (FPO) came out on top on Sunday (September 29) with a vote share of 29.2 percent, the highest.


The High Court in the southern Indian state of Karnataka on Monday stayed the ongoing investigation against Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in the electoral bond extortion case .


Germany has made changes to its citizenship laws to ensure that people who hate Jews and Israel cannot be naturalized. German broadcaster NDR (North German Radio and Television) reported, citing the country's Interior Ministry, that under the new law, people posting “From River to Sea” on social media could also be denied citizenship.


The Supreme Court of India slammed the Andhra Pradesh government over the Tirupati temple prasadam controversy and questioned why the issue was brought to the media before confirming whether adulterated ghee was used in the making of prasadam laddoos.


According to a Wall Street Journal report, Israeli forces are “conducting small, targeted raids in southern Lebanon, gathering intelligence and probing in anticipation of a possible broader ground incursion.” The report said the ground attack could take place as early as this week.


The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said Monday (September 30) that around 100,000 people have fled Lebanon to Syria due to Israeli airstrikes, a figure that has doubled in two days.


India took the lead in the second Test against Bangladesh in Kanpur on the fourth day (September 30) after setting a team record. Bangladesh were 26/2 at the end of the match and trailed by 26 runs in the second innings on a day where things moved at breakneck speed after a three-day rain break.


After much back and forth, relief is in sight for Kangana Ranauts' film Emergencywhich was supposed to be released earlier this month. Reports now suggest that actor-director Kangana Ranaut has agreed to the cuts suggested for her upcoming film by the censor board. The film was scheduled to be released on September 6.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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