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Trump's dark turn toward police brutality

Trump's dark turn toward police brutality
Trump's dark turn toward police brutality


If you think Donald Trump's speeches this campaign cycle are just more of the same, consider the analysis from the person who knows more about them than anyone else.

They thought they'd be there jumping up and down, “Make America Great Again,” this observer remarked of a rally in Wisconsin on Saturday. I'm just saying it's dark talk, it's dark talk.

That clear-eyed pundit was Donald Trump, offering better analysis than much of the media coverage did. As Trump himself has observed, his tears are particularly dark and disturbing, even by his own standards. I wrote late last year about how Americans have become naturally desensitized to his more extreme rhetoric, at the same time as he has adopted a darker tone. It has now largely exceeded this level just a month before the elections.

It's not easy to take stock of the events of the past few days, but it's likely Trump's suggestion that an hour of widespread extrajudicial violence by police would be an effective method of crime control . This may seem like a caricature; On the contrary, trying to convey Trump's ideas in normal language risks diminishing them. Trump was speaking in Erie, Pennsylvania, and was in the middle of a discussion about rising crime (not true, as I reported), which he blamed in part on the police couldn't be tough enough on the suspects.

The police are not allowed to do their job. They are told: if you do something, you will lose your pension, you will lose your family, your house, your car, he said. A difficult hour, and I mean very difficult, the news will spread and it will end immediately. Finish immediately. You know? This will end immediately.

The idea is reminiscent of the Purge film series, which takes place in an America where all crime is legal for 12 hours once a year. The difference is that, in the films, this is presented as a dystopia; for Trump, as long as it's the police acting illegally, it's a brilliant ideal. (The former president has had difficulty differentiating horror films from reality, as in his constant musings on the late, great Hannibal Lecter, the cannibalistic serial killer from Silence of the Lambs. He is truly Ronald's heir Reagan.)

Although he has long complained about restrictions on police brutality, this goes well beyond that. A campaign spokesperson told Politico that it was a joke, a common excuse aides use when Trump crosses the line. Nothing in his tone suggested levity. This is what I've called Trump's two-step, and it allows him to wave an idea in front of his supporters while half-heartedly distancing himself from it.

Trump's police purge would violate, in addition to numerous laws, common decency and fundamental meaning, the Fourth through Eighth Amendments to the Constitution. Trump's rejection of the rule of law is complete: he is upset that people suspected of crimes like shoplifting are not being prosecuted, but he is also furious that he himself is subject to prosecution when accused of crimes. Earlier this month, he promised retaliation for members of law enforcement who tried to hold him accountable, which will include lengthy prison sentences. In other words: they would not only lose their pension or their car, but also their freedom. He also promises to pardon those who ransacked the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Policing is reserved for those Trump hates. He and his friends get a pass.

In Erie, Trump immediately moved, without transition or connection, from this observation to repeating a line from the Wisconsin rally. Crooked Joe Biden became mentally deficient, but liar Kamala Harris, honestly, I think she was born that way, he said. There's something wrong with Kamala. And I just don't know what it is, but there's definitely something missing. As with some past insults, this is a remarkably effective way to deliver an insult, to offend the elderly, the mentally retarded, and Harris, who is neither, of a single shot.

The line was bad enough to draw revulsion from Republicans after Trump used it for the first time on Saturday. Still, Trump knows they will tut-tut, but stay strictly in line with him and soon move on, which is why he used it again the next day. The second time was not only a provocation to Harris and the Democrats, but a reminder to Republicans how powerless and sycophantic they are.

After Trump called Harris a stupid person, the crowd began chanting Lock her up, while Trump looked on approvingly. Harris has not been charged, much less credibly accused, of any crime. His offense here is presumably against Trump.

Shall we continue? In Erie, he delivered an incomprehensible speech about the villainy of undocumented immigrants that favorably compared them to Hollywood stars, and ended with what might have been a line from comedian Jeff Dunham I'll kill you! but who can really say? This is one of the strangest things I've ever heard Trump say.

Trump also claimed, once again, and again without any evidence, that widespread fraud in vote counting is occurring in major cities with large black populations, including Philadelphia, Detroit and Atlanta. If God came down from above and said, I'm going to be your vote tabulator for this election, I would leave this podium right now, because I wouldn't have to speak. We would have no problem, he said. It's been a banner year for candidates expecting divine intervention in their presidential campaigns, but most theologians would be surprised if God came down from on high to intervene in such a secular matter. It would be surprising if this were his first concern regarding Trump.

And on Friday, Trump threatened to criminally sue Google for allegedly running only bad stories about itself and good ones about Harris, which is a claim without evidence and, in any case, is not against the law. The threat is a reminder that Trump centered his election campaign on promising to use the power of the federal government to punish anyone who offended him. With material like this, isn't it surprising that so many negative stories about it show up in a web search?

What is not clear is why Trump suddenly starts rambling and raving even more than usual. When Biden dropped out of the race and Harris replaced him, Trump lashed out, furious that his path to re-election had been disrupted. Today, the elections have stabilized somewhat. Polls indicate the race is exceptionally close. Some analysts think it could be the tightest ever. Most of the data shows Harris with a small but fragile advantage. Although many Harris supporters despair that the race could be so close, this presents an opportunity for Trump. By avoiding the more strident rhetoric that has consistently turned voters away from him, Trump may be able to close that gap and win. Instead, it increases the volume. Maybe Trump is upset about something that isn't obvious to outsiders. Maybe he thinks that the most divisive issues are actually winners for him, and maybe he's right. Or maybe he just can't help himself.




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