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Xi Jinping steps up Taiwan rhetoric on National Day eve, calls it China's sacred territory

Xi Jinping steps up Taiwan rhetoric on National Day eve, calls it China's sacred territory
Xi Jinping steps up Taiwan rhetoric on National Day eve, calls it China's sacred territory


President Xi Jinping on Monday (September 30) asked the Chinese people to be ready to overcome all uncertainties by affirming that Taiwan is China's sacred territory and that Beijing opposes Taiwan's independence, sending a strong warning to “separatists” in his speech on the eve of September 30. National holiday.

The Chinese people will achieve more remarkable achievements and make greater contributions to the noble cause of peace and development of mankind, Xi said at a reception held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic. of China (PRC).

Chinese National Day falls on October 1.

In this new journey into the new era, the core task of the ruling Communist Party and the country is to build China into a strong country and achieve national rejuvenation on all fronts by continuing China's modernization, said Mr. . Xi, cited by the official Xinhua agency. press agency.

As head of the Party, the military and the presidency, Xi, 71, is currently serving his unprecedented third five-year term, unlike his predecessors, who gave up their positions by adhering to the convention of decided to limit their mandate to two to five years. -years.

Be prepared for the future and resolutely overcome all uncertainties, Xi said in his speech to the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post, citing an apparent reference to growing strategic rivalry with the United States.

He also declared that Taiwan was China's sacred territory and that people on both sides of the border [Taiwan] The straits are linked by blood.

We should promote spiritual harmony among our compatriots on both sides of the Strait and resolutely oppose Taiwan's pro-independence separatist activities, Xi said, the Post reported.

China considers Taiwan part of the mainland, and in recent years Xi has aggressively pushed for reunification of the self-ruled island through a massive military buildup, although he says it would be through peaceful means.

China has stepped up its campaign against Taiwanese separatists after pro-independence William Lai Ching-te was elected Taiwan's president this year.

On the economic front, Xi pledged to continue reform and opening up of the second-largest economy, which currently faces a continuing slowdown weighed down by a host of internal problems, particularly stagnant domestic consumption and the collapse of the real estate market, which entails enormous consequences. financial losses in addition to high customs duties imposed on Chinese electric vehicles and batteries imposed by the United States and the EU.

“There will certainly be difficulties and obstacles [but] No difficulty can stop the pace of progress of the Chinese people, Xi said.

His comments follow a series of measures announced by the Chinese government to regain economic momentum, including interest rate cuts.

Steadily advancing unprecedented modernization is the best way to celebrate the PRC's anniversary, Xi stressed.

To advance China's modernization, it is imperative to always uphold the central role of the Communist Party in exercising general leadership and coordinating the efforts of all parties, unswervingly following the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, deepen reform in all areas and expand opening-up. uphold a people-centered approach and remain committed to peaceful development, Xi said.

More than 3,000 Chinese and foreign guests attended the reception.

He also expressed sincere gratitude to friendly countries and international friends who care about and support the development of the PRC.

Earlier, he and other state and party leaders paid floral tributes to fallen heroes to mark Martyrs' Day at the sprawling Tiananmen Square in central Beijing.

Martyrs' Day was observed on Monday, ahead of the 75th National Day of the People's Republic of China (PRC).

Xi, along with Premier Li Qiang and other leaders, were joined by representatives from all walks of life to pay their respects at the monument built in memory of the martyrs of the revolutionary struggle of the 19th and 20th centuries that led to the formation of the PRC in October. 1, 1949, led by CCP founder Mao Zedong.

China will be closed for a week starting Tuesday to mark the National Day public holiday.

On this occasion, Xi awarded the highest state honors to several Chinese veterans on Sunday.

He also presented the China Friendship Medal to Dilma Rousseff, former Brazilian president and chair of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) New Development Bank, based in Shanghai.

Hailing Rousseff as an outstanding representative of China's old and good friends, Xi said the Chinese people will never forget the international friends who have made significant contributions to the country's development and people-to-people friendship. Chinese and foreigners.

Xi said the CPC has led the Chinese people to create the twin miracles of rapid economic growth and long-term social stability.

China is currently in a crucial period for building a great modern socialist country in all respects and achieving national rejuvenation through modernization, he said.

“All party members and people of all ethnic groups should take heroes and role models as examples, unite and strive to form a powerful force to build a strong China,” Xi said.

Disclaimer: This story was published from a wire service with minimal changes to grammar and punctuation. The title may have been changed to better reflect the content of the story or to make it more suitable for WION's audience.




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