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Harris trolls Trump at LA fundraiser and Vegas rally, says his crowds are 'pretty big'

Harris trolls Trump at LA fundraiser and Vegas rally, says his crowds are 'pretty big'
Harris trolls Trump at LA fundraiser and Vegas rally, says his crowds are 'pretty big'


LOS ANGELES — Vice President Kamala Harris criticized Republican Donald Trump over the size of the crowd, his refusal to debate again and his privileged experience Sunday as she raised money for his campaign in California and held a raucous rally at the same Nevada venue where the GOP nominee. appeared just two weeks ago.

During the presidential debate, Harris appeared to get under Trump's skin when she said people were leaving his rallies early because of his rambling speeches. And she continued this momentum during the election campaign.

She told donors at a major fundraiser in Los Angeles that as she campaigned across the country, her “crowds were pretty big.” And then, in front of a delirious Las Vegas crowd estimated at 7,500, she renewed her attacks on him for refusing to debate again, saying: “The American people have the right to hear us discuss these issues . And as you say here in Las Vegas, I'm all for it. I'm all for it.”

Harris' four-day West Coast trip was designed with a dual purpose: She opened and closed it with stops in the Sun Belt battlegrounds – Arizona and Nevada – where the vice president is trying to shore up her support as Trump relentlessly harasses her over illegal migration. And his time in California was spent collecting campaign contributions from donors in his blue home state.

Harris also waded into what Trump considers his turf — immigration — with a visit Friday to the border town of Douglas, Arizona. It was her first trip to the U.S.-Mexico border since succeeding President Joe Biden at the top of the Democratic presidential ticket.

Harris' visit to the border in Arizona appeared to anger Trump. The Republican Party leader spent two days criticizing the vice president at his rallies, intensifying his personal attacks against her, saying she was responsible for an “invasion” of the border and stoking unfounded fears that she ushers in anarchy if elected.

Harris gave the same response she usually does to his insults, even though Trump called her “mentally defective.”

“We're just seeing the same old tired show, the same old tired playbook,” she told a crowd of donors in Los Angeles, some of whom shouted “boring!” in response.

In Las Vegas, she also revived her criticism of Trump for his “silver platter” past that nevertheless led to six bankruptcies, saying: “I come from the middle class and I will never forget where I came from come.”

Harris warned the race was as close as it could be, one with “margin for error.” But on Sunday in Los Angeles, she added: “The election is here and let me be clear. We are going to win.”

The fundraiser was full of celebrities: Stevie Wonder, Keegan Michael-Key, Sterling K. Brown, Demi Lovato, Jessica Alba and Lily Tomlin. Performing for the crowd: Halle Bailey and Alanis Morissette.

The fundraiser in Los Angeles and the day before in San Francisco raised a total of $55 million for Harris' campaign.

The vice president continues to win Republican support. Former Arizona senator Jeff Flake became the latest to support her. He credited Harris with “good character and a love of country” and said he wanted a president who doesn't treat political opponents like enemies and who doesn't try to subvert the will of voters.

Flake, a longtime critic of the former president, joins a list of anti-Trump Republicans who have said they will vote for the Democratic ticket, including Dick Cheney, the deeply conservative former vice president, and his daughter , Liz.

But Maryland Senate candidate Larry Hogan, a former Republican governor and outspoken Trump critic, said Harris hasn't yet gotten his vote, even if Trump won't get it.

In Nevada, where Harris held her last rally, all voters automatically receive their ballots by mail, unless they opt out — a pandemic-era change that was fixed in law of the state. That means most ballots could start being distributed within a few weeks.

Harris will return to Las Vegas on October 10 for a town hall meeting with Hispanic voters. She and Trump have campaigned frequently in the city, emphasizing the crucial role Nevada's six electoral votes could play in deciding what is expected to be an extremely close election.

Trump held his own rally in Las Vegas on September 13 at the Expo World Market Center, where Harris spoke on Sunday. She also held events at the same venues used by Trump in Milwaukee, Atlanta and suburban Phoenix.

At a campaign stop in Las Vegas in June, Trump promised to eliminate taxes on tips received by waiters, hotel workers and thousands of other service-industry workers. Harris used her own rally in Las Vegas in August to make the same promise.

Completely eliminating federal taxes on tipping would likely require an act of Congress. Still, the Nevada Culinary Union, which represents 60,000 hospitality workers in Las Vegas and Reno, supported Harris.


Long reported in Washington.

Copyright 2024 by Associated Press. All rights reserved.




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