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Queen Elizabeth had bone cancer, says Boris Johnson

Queen Elizabeth had bone cancer, says Boris Johnson
Queen Elizabeth had bone cancer, says Boris Johnson


Boris Johnson, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has claimed that the late Queen Elizabeth II battled bone cancer in the last years of her life.

In an excerpt from Mr. Johnson's upcoming memoir Unchainedfirst obtained by The daily mailhe reflects on the last time he saw the Queen – two days before her death in September 2022.

“I had known for a year or more that she suffered from a form of bone cancer, and her doctors feared that at any time she might experience a precipitous decline,” Mr. Johnson wrote.

He went on to share that Queen Elizabeth's private secretary, Edward Young, had warned him that she had “gone down quite a bit over the summer” and admitted that as soon as he saw Her Majesty, he would could “see immediately what Edward meant.”

Boris Johnson and Queen Elizabeth

“She appeared pale and more stooped, and she had dark bruises on her hands and wrists, probably from drips or injections,” Mr. Johnson wrote.

“But her mind – as Edward had also said – was completely unimpaired by her illness, and from time to time, during our conversation, she still flashed that big white smile in her sudden beauty that uplifts the spirits .”

Mr Johnson met the Queen on September 6, 2022 to formally resign as leader of the Conservative Party.

And he wrote in Unchained that Edward Young believed that Queen Elizabeth knew she was going to die, but did not want to until Liz Truss was officially named Mr Johnson's successor.

“As Edward Young later explained to me, she had known all summer that she would be leaving, but she was determined to hang on and carry out her final duty: overseeing the peaceful and orderly transition from government to government. the other – and, I think, to add another incumbent prime minister to his record tally.

Queen Elizabeth

This isn't the first time someone has claimed that the late Queen Elizabeth suffered from bone cancer.

In the 2022 biography Elizabeth: an intimate portraitauthor Gyles Brandreth (writer, broadcaster and former MP) wrote:

“I had heard that the Queen suffered from a form of myeloma – a cancer of the bone marrow – which would explain her fatigue and her weight loss as well as those 'mobility problems' that we were often told about during the last year of his life.”

However, Queen Elizabeth's official death certificate listed the cause of her death as “old age.”




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