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Turkey urges UN to recommend use of force for Gaza, similar to 1950 General Assembly resolution

Turkey urges UN to recommend use of force for Gaza, similar to 1950 General Assembly resolution
Turkey urges UN to recommend use of force for Gaza, similar to 1950 General Assembly resolution



Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday urged the United Nations General Assembly to immediately recommend the use of force for Gaza, similar to the 1950 measure known as the Unite for Peace resolution.

“Today, defending Palestine, Lebanon means defending humanity, peace and the culture of coexistence between different beliefs,” Erdogan said after a Cabinet meeting in the Turkish capital Ankara.

“A handful of radical Zionists, blinded by blood and hatred, are setting fire to the region and the whole world. We will never accept this cruelty and barbarity,” he said of the continued attacks by Israel against Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. .

The “Uniting for Peace” resolution, adopted in November 1950, states that in all cases where the Security Council, in the absence of agreement among its five permanent members, fails to act as appropriate for the sake of security and of international peace, the General Assembly may make appropriate recommendations to the members of the United Nations regarding collective measures, including the use of armed force if necessary.

Erdogan has frequently criticized the UN Security Council's failure to act over the past year, as Israel has killed tens of thousands of Palestinians and also launched massive airstrikes in Lebanon in recent weeks .

In his speech last week to the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Erdogan said he highlighted the genocide carried out by Israel against the people of Gaza and drew attention to other conflicts and atrocities in the region.

He added that he reiterated that global peace and security must not be left to the whim of five privileged countries – the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – using his slogan: “The world is greater than five.”

Israeli attacks on Lebanon

Erdogan said that during the United Nations General Assembly, Israel had intensified its attacks on Lebanon, pointing out that more than 1,000 Lebanese, including many children, had lost their lives in the past two weeks.

In New York, he said: “I clearly stated during my meeting with Lebanese Prime Minister (Najib) Mikati that Turkey stands firmly with them.”

He added: “Due to Israeli attacks, which do not distinguish between civilians and military, the needs of our Lebanese brothers are increasing considerably. »

Many Lebanese civilians have been displaced, he said, adding that Turkish civil society groups, “which are a source of pride for our nation, are on the ground despite the difficult conditions, doing everything they can.” they can (to provide) humanitarian aid. We have also intensified our diplomatic efforts to stop Israeli attacks. »

“The international community can no longer remain silent in the face of this criminality by Israel, which is setting the entire region on fire.”

He added that defending Palestine and Lebanon means defending “humanity, peace and the culture of coexistence between different beliefs.”

“Islamic countries should respond most strongly to the oppression in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. As Muslims, we must lead the world in the fight against oppression,” he added .

“Seeds of enmity that will last for generations”

Erdogan said he regretted that the world had not taken any economic, commercial or diplomatic measures to force Israel to accept the ceasefire announced by Hamas.

“Today, Israel is sowing the seeds of enmity that will last generations with its policy of massacre, and those who support it are complicit in this crime.”

“With the escalation of state terrorism, Israel is not only undermining confidence in international law but also damaging the reputation of countries that support it,” he added.

Regarding Turkish humanitarian aid to Lebanon, Erdogan said Turkey delivered 30 tons of humanitarian aid to troubled Lebanon on Wednesday and would continue to do so as long as security conditions permit.

Since September 23, Israel has launched massive airstrikes against what it calls Hezbollah targets across Lebanon, killing more than 960 people and injuring more than 2,770 others, according to the Lebanese Health Ministry.

Several Hezbollah leaders were killed in the assault, including the group's leader, Hassan Nasrallah.

Hezbollah and Israel have been engaged in a cross-border war since the start of Israel's war on Gaza, which killed nearly 41,600 people, mostly women and children, following a cross-border attack by the Palestinian group Hamas last October.

The international community has warned that Israeli attacks in Lebanon could escalate the Gaza conflict and lead to a wider regional war.

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