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Trump visits hurricane-ravaged Georgia, makes false claims about Biden | Hurricane Helene

Trump visits hurricane-ravaged Georgia, makes false claims about Biden | Hurricane Helene
Trump visits hurricane-ravaged Georgia, makes false claims about Biden | Hurricane Helene


Donald Trump spoke outside a furniture store destroyed by Hurricane Helen in Valdosta, Georgia on Monday, falsely claiming that the Georgia governor had been unable to reach Joe Biden.

Upon landing in Valdosta, Trump told reporters that the president was sleeping and that Brian Kemp, the governor, had called the president and was unable to reach him. He repeated this false statement while speaking outside the store.

Kemp refuted the allegation earlier today. He said he played tag with Vice President Kamala Harris, but also said: The president just called me yesterday afternoon and he just said, Hey, what do you need? He suggested that if we needed anything else to just call him directly, which I appreciated.

At the White House press conference Monday, Homeland Security Advisor Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall said Biden had offered Kemp everything Georgia needed in terms of storm response.

So if the governor wants to speak to the president again, of course the president will answer his call, Sherwood-Randall said.

When a pool reporter asked Biden Monday night about the former president's comments, Biden interjected angrily before the question was finished.

He's lying and the governor told him he was lying. The governor told him he was lying. I spoke to the governor, spent time with him and he told him he was lying. I don't know why he is doing this, it's just wrong and irresponsible.

Trump traveled to the region with evangelist Franklin Graham, CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, and trucks loaded with relief supplies.

We brought many, many carloads of resources, he said, without really describing what those resources were beyond a tanker truck full of gasoline and water. The evangelical Billy Graham Association did not respond to a request for comment, although its website says it has sent chaplains to affected areas.

We are here today to stand in complete solidarity with the people of Georgia and all those suffering from the terrible consequences of Hurricane Helene, Trump said in front of the collapsed brick storefront of Chez What, a furniture and fashion collective in Valdosta. Trump was flanked by Lieutenant Governor Burt Jones and local elected officials.

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Valdosta is in southern Georgia and continues to recover from Hurricane Helene. At least 25 people died in the state as a result of the storm. At the height of Helenes' destruction, about 1.3 million Georgians lost power, Kemp said Monday at a press briefing in Augusta, hours before Trump's arrival. Nearly 500,000 people were still without power Monday morning, Kemp said.

There has been, at least so far, no repeat of a scene from a disaster photo op seven years ago in San Juan, Puerto Rico, when the former president threw towels into paper on the crowd two weeks after Hurricane Maria destroyed 93% of the island. without power.

Harris canceled the events on Monday and attended a Fema briefing in Washington DC.

President Biden and I remain committed to ensuring that no community or state must respond to this disaster alone, she said. Federal personnel are on the ground supporting affected families so critical resources like food, water and generators are available. We also approved emergency declarations for Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee, making resources and funding available to maximize our coordinated response efforts to local, state, and federal levels.




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