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Thank you from the Uyghurs, President ErdoanMais

Thank you from the Uyghurs, President ErdoanMais
Thank you from the Uyghurs, President ErdoanMais


The Turkish leader has the merit of having raised the Uyghur question during the 79th United Nations General Assembly. But we need a stronger tone.

by Rebia Kadeer and Kok Bayraq

Erdoğan addressing the 79th United Nations General Assembly. Source: Directorate of Communications of the Republic of Türkiye
Erdoğan addressing the 79th United Nations General Assembly. Source: Directorate of Communications of the Republic of Türkiye.

On September 24, after a long silence, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan mentioned the Uyghurs

The largest portion of the population (46.5%) is in Xinjiang, where Han Chinese have however increased to 39% thanks to a government-sponsored immigration program aimed at Sinicization. Uyghurs are not of Chinese origin and speak their own Uyghur Turkic language. Many Uyghurs do not speak Chinese at all. The overwhelming majority of Uighurs are Sunni Muslims. They are facing severe religious persecution and a million of them have been taken to the dreaded transformation through educational camps.

” href=”” target=”_blank” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>Uyghursau79[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>Uyghursatthe79[{“attribut=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>Ouïghoursau79[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>Uyghursatthe79th United Nations General Assembly. “Based on respect for China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, we conduct close dialogue with China for the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of Uyghur Turks, with whom we maintain strong historical, cultural and humans; » he said.

Erdoğan's mention of the Uyghur cause made us Uyghurs

The largest portion of the population (46.5%) is in Xinjiang, where Han Chinese have however increased to 39% thanks to a government-sponsored immigration program aimed at Sinicization. Uyghurs are not of Chinese origin and speak their own Uyghur Turkic language. Many Uyghurs do not speak Chinese at all. The overwhelming majority of Uighurs are Sunni Muslims. They are facing severe religious persecution and a million of them have been taken to the dreaded transformation through educational camps.

” href=”” target=”_blank” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>Uyghursexilhappy[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>Uyghursinexilehappy[{“attribut=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>Ouïghoursenexilheureux[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>Uyghursinexilehappy

Yes, even if Erdoğan's speech did not mention our saddest situations, such as the fact that more than 3 million Uyghurs live in camps; or that the Uyghurs go abroad did not have the opportunity even talking on the phone with their families in their home country for seven years; or the vertical decrease In the birth rate of the Uyghur population over the past three years, we are still happy that our name was mentioned.

Because China's current Uyghur policy – ​​whether foreign relations or domestic policy – ​​wants to make the world forget the Uyghur issue and hide the massacre of Uyghurs from the eyes of the world.

The largest portion of the population (46.5%) is in Xinjiang, where Han Chinese have however increased to 39% thanks to a government-sponsored immigration program aimed at Sinicization. Uyghurs are not of Chinese origin and speak their own Uyghur Turkic language. Many Uyghurs do not speak Chinese at all. The overwhelming majority of Uighurs are Sunni Muslims. They are facing severe religious persecution and a million of them have been taken to the dreaded transformation through educational camps.

” href=”” target=”_blank” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>UyghursilssThisisalsothereasonwhyChinausedallitsdiplomaticpowerlastyear[{“attribut=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>Ouïghoursilss’engagentC’estaussilaraisonpourlaquellelaChineautilisétoutesapuissancediplomatiquel’annéedernière[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>UyghurstheyarecommittingThisisalsowhyChinausedallitsdiplomaticpowerlastyearto delay the publication of the Uyghur report prepared by UN experts for a year and also prevented Uyghur issue to be discussed at UN Human Rights Council

The United Nations body, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, established in 2006 to promote and protect human rights worldwide. It replaced the UN Commission on Human Rights, created in 1946 and widely criticized for its lack of effectiveness.

” href=”” target=”_blank” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>HumanRightsCouncilForthesamepurposeChina[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>HumanRightsCouncilForthesamepurposeChina[{“attribut=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>Conseildesdroitsdel'hommeDanslemêmebutlaChine[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>HumanRightsCouncilForthesamepurposeChinaorganized “Xinjiang

(新疆, officially the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region). THE "Autonomous region” of China whose largest ethnic group is the Uyghurs, with an additional 7% ethnic Kazakhs and Islam as the majority religion. The World Uyghur Congress and other Uyghur organizations do not accept the name Xinjiang, which means "New frontier” or "New Borderland” and was imposed by Imperial China in 1884, after having conquered or rather reconquered the region, which it had already occupied between 1760 and 1860. The Uyghurs prefer this name. "East Turkestan”, which was also used by two short-lived independent states, known as the First (1933) and Second (1944–1949) East Turkestan Republics. In order to avoid the choice between "Xinjiang” and "East Turkestan”, both problematic designations, American scholar Rian Thum suggested adopting the region's former name, Altishahr ("Six Cities”), which is however rarely used outside scientific circles.

” href=”” target=”_blank” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>Xinjiangvisits»countriesandneighboringorganizationsandmuslimseverymonthofeveryyearshowsfakescenescoverupthecrimeofgenocideandevenencouragesourmuslimbrothersandneighboringcountriesrothersandneighboringcountries[{“attribut=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>Xinjiangvisites»depaysetd'organisationsvoisinsetmusulmanschaquemoisdechaqueannéemontredefaussesscènesdissimulelecrimedegénocideetencouragemêmenosfrèresmusulmansetlespaysvoisins[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>Xinjiangvisits”fromneighboringandMuslimcountriesandorganizationseverymonthofeveryyearshowsfakescenescoversupthecrimeofgenocideandevenencouragesourMuslimbrothersandneighboringcountriesto praise his crimes. Therefore, Erdoğan's mention of our name at the UN is a historic event, something that inspires us and gives us hope.

Yes, we are happy, but our joy is not at its peak because we were mentioned after the problems of Palestine, Ukraine, Syria and the Rohingya. We are grateful to Erdoğan, but this is not enough, because we have not heard a strong tone against China, an urgent appeal to the international community and a concrete demand and initiative, even limited to a sentence, to improve our situation.

Uighur protests in Istanbul. From X.Uighur protests in Istanbul. From X.
Uighur protests in Istanbul. From X.

However, the fact that Erdoğan does not forget the Uyghur question and his presentation of a subject that China, his ally in many international arenas, does not want to listen to, pleased not only us but also the States and organizations that support justice and human rights.

The fundamental rights of all human beings to life, liberty, justice and security, as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.

” href=”” target=”_blank” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>humanrightsintheworldespeciallythosewhoarecourageousenoughtoraisetheirvoicefortheoppressedWefindhonestyandcourageinthiscallforjusticeandrights[{“attribut=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>lesdroitsdel'hommedanslemondeenparticulierceuxquisontassezcourageuxpouréleverlavoixenfaveurdesopprimésNoustrouvonsdel'honnêtetéetducouragedanscetappelàlajusticeetauxdroits[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>humanrightsintheworldespeciallythosethatarebraveenoughtoraisetheirvoicefortheoppressedWefindhonestyandcourageinthiscallforjusticeandrights

It is known to everyone who is interested in the Uyghur question and whose mind and conscience are alert, that if blood is spilled today in the war and conflict zones of the world, in the camps and prisons of East Turkestan (Xinjiang

(新疆, officially the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region). THE "Autonomous region” of China whose largest ethnic group is the Uyghurs, with an additional 7% ethnic Kazakhs and Islam as the majority religion. The World Uyghur Congress and other Uyghur organizations do not accept the name Xinjiang, which means "New frontier” or "New Borderland” and was imposed by Imperial China in 1884, after having conquered or rather reconquered the region, which it had already occupied between 1760 and 1860. The Uyghurs prefer this name. "East Turkestan”, which was also used by two short-lived independent states, known as the First (1933) and Second (1944–1949) East Turkestan Republics. In order to avoid the choice between "Xinjiang” and "East Turkestan”, both problematic designations, American scholar Rian Thum suggested adopting the region's former name, Altishahr ("Six Cities”), which is however rarely used outside scientific circles.

” href=”” target=”_blank” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>XinjiangenChina)bloodisturningintopusand[{“attribut=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>XinjiangenChine)lesangsetransformeenpuset[{“attribute=””tabindex=”0″role=”link”>XinjiangtoChina)bloodisturningintopusandthe bodies rot. While other mothers cry on the battlefields, kissing the corpses of their children, Uighur mothers do not have access to their children's bodies or even information about their deaths, and are thrown in prisons simply because they cry and complain. The bodies are counted on the battlefields, but those of the Uyghur genocide are not even counted. China does not allow them to be counted.

Our situation is much worse than that experienced in current war zones. Our problem deserves to be presented in a stronger tone and urgent appeals must be made. We hope that the role of our sister nation Turkey on the international stage will be even more active, that its position will be even firmer and that its side will always be separated from the side of the oppressors.




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