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Randy Rainbow parodies Taylor Swift song to make fun of Donald Trump: watch

Randy Rainbow parodies Taylor Swift song to make fun of Donald Trump: watch
Randy Rainbow parodies Taylor Swift song to make fun of Donald Trump: watch


Randy Rainbow is back in his election days and he's using the music of pop superstar Taylor Swift to ridicule former President Donald Trump.

In a new parody video released Monday (September 30), Rainbow created a “Donald version” of Swift's 1989 single “Blank Space,” changing the lyrics to openly mock the Republican candidate's latest statements in a divisive campaign for Whites. Home.

Rainbow began his new clip pretending to be the presidential debate moderator earlier in September, using clips of Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris to highlight his attacks on the former president. “Mr. Former Fake President, sir, you have criticized your opponent's immigration record. Would you like to elaborate by making up some crazy shit? Rainbow asks in the introduction before rereading excerpts of Trump falsely claiming that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, were kidnapping and eating pets.

Launching into her song, Rainbow donned her best Taylor Swift dress and immediately tackled Trump's increasingly bizarre public comments at his rallies and the September 10 debate. “Pushing trash, playing games/I got more stories than bankruptcies,” Rainbow began in her first verse. “Hey girl, are you okay?” Do you believe a word you say? I can't believe a word you say, because we've been trying to abandon you for almost a decade.

However, on the song's choruses, Rainbow chose to sing directly to her audience, urging them to go to the polls on November 5. “Soon it'll be November, and we'll have the last word/Better get your act together.” , or he will take away your rights,” he sings. “If our foreign rivals are supported, he would be their Christmas present/Because he loves Kim Jong and Putin, but hates Taylor Swift!” »

The pop singer made news shortly after the debate when she publicly supported Kamala Harris, saying the vice president “fights for rights and causes that I think need a warrior to defend them.” Swift also made it clear that she would not support Trump's election bid, despite AI-generated photos (shared on social media by Trump) that purported to show her lending him her support. “This really spoke to my fears about AI and the dangers of spreading misinformation,” she wrote. “This led me to the conclusion that I needed to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election as a voter.”

Closing out her parody video, Rainbow disguised herself as Swift in her message of support to deliver one final round of insults to the former president, calling him a “narcissistic weirdo,” a “low-IQ, hot-headed weirdo” and even of “narcissistic weirdo”. orange fecal stain. For her final punchline, Rainbow recalled Swift's classic lyrics to taunt Trump: “He's got a blank space, baby/And it's in his brain.” »

Watch Randy Rainbow's parody of Taylor Swift's “Blank Space” above.




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