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Garuda Kupang Mass Organization Appreciates the 10 Years of Leadership of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo – NTT Portal

Garuda Kupang Mass Organization Appreciates the 10 Years of Leadership of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo – NTT Portal
Garuda Kupang Mass Organization Appreciates the 10 Years of Leadership of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo – NTT Portal


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Press release


PORTALNTT.COM, KUPANG – Saturday October 1, 2024We, the community organization Garuda Kupang NTT (Ormas), have issued a press release to the press colleagues ofin Kupang town. This press release was issued directly by the President of Garuda Kupang NTT Mex M. Sinlae,as following.

Garuda Kupang NTT is a social organization founded voluntarily on the basis of the same aspirations, desires, needs, interestsand the goal of participating in development in order to achieve the goals of the unitary state of the Republic of IndonesiaI can Pancasila.

SPursuant to the orders of Law Number 17 of 2013, Garuda Kupang NTT became the forum an organization that brings together the youth and society of East Nusa Tenggararun various real actions, including oversight of the workings of government, from central to regional levels.

In this case, Garuda Kupang NTT considers it at the national leadership level Significant developments have been made by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia under the leadership of President Ir. Joko Widodo or President Jokowi.

Garuda Kupang NTT believes that President Jokowi has successfully achieved various development achievements that have led Indonesia to become a country respected by countries in the ASEAN region and countries around the world.

“We appreciate President Jokowi's leadership in various development policy advancements that have brought Indonesia forward for 10 years,” Mex Sinlae said.

According to Garuda Kupang, Indonesia has successfully overcome various global dynamics that have occurred over the past 10 years under the leadership of President Jokowi. For example, Indonesia managed to get through the critical periods that hit several countries around the world thanks to appropriate economic policies.Indonesia was also able to weather the difficult times of the global Covid-19 pandemic, which impacted various aspects of people's lives. Indonesia too, mommpu shows its ability to be tuan to make various global events a success that have a significant impact on Indonesia's position in the eyes of the world.

Apart from this, from the perspective of national development policy, various national strategic infrastructure developments have been successfully carried out. Garuda Kupang NTT believes that the national infrastructure development carried out by President Jokowi's government over the past 10 years is a major achievement in achieving development justice, improving the living standards of the Indonesian people and advancing the nation.

Regionally, East Nusa Tenggara is one of the provinces that has received the most attention from President Jokowi. There are various developments therecarried out in this province, such as various dams to overcome water shortage in NTT, transportation infrastructure, tourism, health, infrastructure to support economic growth and security defense in border areas between countries like NTT.

Garuda Kupang NTT considers that the people of NTT and Indonesia in general are obliged to appreciate and be grateful for the performance and 10 years of service of President Joko Widodo, while hoping that the various progress and enthusiasm for development that have been achieved will be continued by the next government, the soon-to-be inaugurated President-elect Prabowo Subianto.

That amidst the various achievements and good performances achieved, there are still gaps, which constitute a human weakness which gives rise to a concern for evaluation and continuous improvement. by the government of President-elect Prabowo Subianto.

Garuda Kupang NTT hopes that President-elect Prabowo Subianto's leadership in the next 5 years will continue to follow in the footsteps of President Jokowi's development spirit.For Indonesia to become more advanced and competitive in the era of global competition among nations.

Garuda Kupang NTT will remains a community organization that continues to control the maintenance of life of the community, the nation and the state in the spirit of national defense.

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