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Boris Johnson's main revelations in his book Firstpost

Boris Johnson's main revelations in his book Firstpost
Boris Johnson's main revelations in his book Firstpost


In his upcoming book “Unleashed,” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made surprising claims regarding the cause of the late Queen Elizabeth II's death, French President Emmanuel Macron's revenge for Brexit and an attack on an ally for get vaccines.
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Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has made a series of claims in his upcoming memoir “Unleashed.”

In the book, excerpts of which have been released to the media in recent days, Johnson made surprising claims regarding the late Queen Elizabeth II, French President Emmanuel Macron, and the near invasion of a foreign country to secure the supply of UK vaccines.

Johnson became leader of the Conservative Party in 2019 and then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Later that year he led the Conservatives to a landslide victory in the general election. Three years later, however, he resigned as Prime Minister and MP in disgrace after a series of scandals, the main one being illegal parties at 10 Downing Street during the Covid-19 lockdowns.

Now, two years after his disgraced exit from politics and public life, Johnson has published a book and many surprising claims.

“The Queen had bone cancer”

In the first-ever comment on Queen Elizabeth II's health by a prominent British politician, Johnson claimed she had been suffering from a form of bone cancer for more than a year.

Johnson said he had known for a year or more that the queen was suffering from a form of bone cancer when he resigned in September 2022, according to Politico.

The Queen died just two days after Johnson's resignation and the appointment of Liz Truss, Johnson's successor who would step down within weeks as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom would be his last major official act.

Notably, the Queen's death certificate listed “old age” as the cause of death and there was no indication of cancer.

The Queen's health, like that of any British monarch, is a closely guarded secret and Johnson's comment is almost unprecedented.

Recalling the last meeting with the Queen at the time of her resignation, Johnson said she appeared pale and more stooped, and had dark bruises on her hands and wrists, probably from drops or injections. People have already noticed that she appeared to have a bruise on her hand that appeared to be from IV drips.

Although it appeared that she had very recently received IV treatment, the Queen's mood was completely unaffected by her illness, and from time to time during our conversation she still flashed that big smile. white in its sudden, morale-boosting beauty, Johnson wrote.

Johnson said the Queen knew all summer that she was leaving, but was determined to hang on and carry out her final duty in ensuring the transition from Johnson's government to her Truss.

Macron and Cameron hit back at Brexit, says Johnson

Macron and former British Prime Minister David Cameron hit back at Johnson's Brexit stance, according to the new book.

Johnson, in his book, accused Macron of using irregular migration as a weapon to undermine Brexit, according to Politico.

Johnson said Macron appeared ready to turn a blind eye to gangs smuggling illegal immigrants across the Channel. He linked this to his support for Brexit, which Macron saw, he said, as a terrible snub to the EU and its worldview.

As for Cameron, Johnson said he would be offered the top five Cabinet posts if he abandoned his stance on Brexit and changed his stance to remaining in the European Union (EU). He said Cameron threatened to screw you over forever if he refused to accept the offer, which he later did.

A “water raid” to secure vaccines

At one point, as countries were scrambling to secure their Covid-19 vaccine supplies, Johnson claimed in the book that he was considering launching a “water raid” on a warehouse in the Netherlands to recover vaccines during of a supply conflict with the EU, according to AFP.

Johnson himself admitted the plan was “crazy.”

Johnson, however, further discussed the plan with senior military officials in March 2021, who informed him that it would be impossible to carry out such a raid without detection and that it would also likely raise questions as countries -Bas are a NATO ally.




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