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President Jokowi leads Pancasila Holiness Day 2024 commemoration ceremony at Pancasila Sakti Monument in Jakarta

President Jokowi leads Pancasila Holiness Day 2024 commemoration ceremony at Pancasila Sakti Monument in Jakarta
President Jokowi leads Pancasila Holiness Day 2024 commemoration ceremony at Pancasila Sakti Monument in Jakarta


President Joko Widodo acted as ceremonial inspector during the Pancasila Holiness Day 2024 commemoration ceremony, centered at the Pancasila Sakti Monument, Lubang Buaya, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/01).

President Jokowi leads Pancasila Holiness Day 2024 commemoration ceremony at Pancasila Sakti Monument in Jakarta
President Joko Widodo acted as ceremonial inspector during the 2024 Pancasila Holiness Day Commemoration Ceremony, held at the Pancasila Sakti Monument, Lubang Buaya, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/01) .

Jakarta: President Joko Widodo acted as ceremonial inspector during the Pancasila Holiness Day 2024 commemoration ceremony, centered at the Pancasila Sakti Monument, Lubang Buaya, Jakarta, Tuesday (1/10).

President Joko Widodo arrived at the ceremony venue around 07:55 WIB accompanied by Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Anwar Makarim.

The series of ceremonies began with a national salute honoring the greatness, followed by a report from the ceremony commander to President Joko Widodo. Police Commissioner I Ketut Gede Adi Wibawa was appointed ceremonial commander who is currently the commander of Pioneer Regiment 1, Pasbrimob 2, Korpbrimob Polri.

During this ceremony, MPR RI President Bambang Soesatyo acted as reader of the Pancasila text. The reading of the 1945 Constitution by the president of the DPD RI, La Nyalla Mattalitti. DPR RI Chairman Puan Maharani read and signed the pledge. Meanwhile, Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas read a prayer.

The Pancasila Holiness Day commemorative ceremony began with the singing of the song Indonesia Raya and was followed by a Silence for Creation led by the Inspector of Ceremonies and solemnly attended by all participants.

“To commemorate the services of the nation's heroes and warriors, especially the revolutionary heroes, a minute of silence began,” President Jokowi said while leading the ceremony which was themed “With Pancasila, we create a golden generation “.

Sesmenpora Gunawan Suswantoro, who was also present at the commemoration ceremony of Pancasila Holiness Day 2024, hopes that the commemoration of Pancasila Holiness Day will be an encouragement, especially for Indonesian youth, to the struggle of hero of the revolution to protect the Republic of Indonesia. .

“We must commemorate Pancasila Holiness Day and we must respect it. Because Pancasila's holiness is proof that with Pancasila we can be victorious. Indonesia can be victorious,” said the Minister of Youth and Sports Gunawan Suswantoro after attending a series of ceremonies.

“And this must be an element for young people so that Indonesia can be what it is today thanks to the power of Pancasila. Thanks to the struggle of revolutionary heroes who sacrificed everything until their death. But God thank you, Pancasila can save this nation and remain the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), he added.

The Pancasila Holiness Day 2024 commemoration ceremony brought together ceremonial troops involving TNI/Polri units, scouts, students from primary to high school. Also present were the heads of state institutions, ministers of the Indonesian Advanced Cabinet, ambassadors of friendly countries and other guests. (Well)




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